Saturday, August 31, 2019

Psych Profile of Kennedy

During one of the most tumultuous times in United States history, our president John F. Kennedy exhibited his decision making style and leadership qualities such as vision, delegation, focus, and ambition. His term was short lived, lasting only two years and ten months, but in that time he made a great impact on the United States and even the world. He was so important because he was a great leader in a time when the United States was in dire need of one. John F. Kennedy’s leadership qualities and decision making style reflected in the ways he responded to such events as The Cuban Missile Crisis and The Bay of Pigs Invasion. John F. Kennedy was a strong president; he showed vision, decision making style, and delegation through his enactment of policies and the decisions he made while he was president. These three aspects of his character provide a framework for how he handled situations. â€Å"'Vision' mobilizes external support for the leader's overarching goals, and charts out a national direction. ‘Decision making style' focuses on the ‘internal', process-oriented aspects of leadership. The Delegation factor assesses what competence and perspectives that will bring input into the decision-making which will carry out the vision. Kennedy was concerned with the national security of the country and did everything he could to ensure the safety of its people. One of the decisions carried out by John F. Kennedy was the Bay of Pigs Invasion. The Bay of Pigs Invasion was an invasion of the Bay of Pigs in Cuba by special CIA trained Cuban exiles in an attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro. The decision was ultimately made by John F. Kennedy and it failed in just a couple of days. Many men had died and others were taken as prisoners of war. Kennedy would eventually have to negotiate for the release of well over 1,000 survivors. The invasion failed for a number of reasons. Kennedy’s Presidential advisory committee made six false assumptions regarding the Bay of Pigs Invasion: no one will know that the United States was responsible for the invasion of Cuba, the Cuban air force does not pose a threat, the Cuban exiles have high morale and are willing to carry out the mission without any support, Castro’s army is weak, the invasion will spark a revolution among people in Cuba, and if the brigade doesn’t succeed then they can retreat to the Escambray Mountains. Kennedy admitted later that he had his doubts about the mission but kept them to himself. â€Å"†How could I have been so stupid?   President John F. Kennedy asked that after the Bay of Pigs fiasco. He called it a â€Å"colossal mistake. †Ã‚  It left him feeling depressed, guilty, bitter, and in tears. One historian later called the Bay of Pigs, â€Å"one of those rare events in history — a perfect failure. â€Å"† So why then, did Kennedy not voic e his concerns? There was an underlying force that was apparent while Kennedy was discussing the invasion with his advisors, it is known as Groupthink. Irving L. Janis wrote a book explaining group think and failures that occurred in history as a result of it, The Bay of Pigs invasion being one of them. Janis describes Groupthink as â€Å"An excessive form of concurrence speaking among members of high prestige, tightly-knit policy making groups. It is excessive to the extent that the group members have come to value the group (and their being part of it) higher than anything else. This causes them to strive for a quick and painless unanimity on the issues that the group has to confront. To preserve the clubby atmosphere, group members suppress personal doubts, silence dissenters, and go along with the general consensus of the group. † This theory of groupthink has affected many groups in history negatively. Had groupthink not been present then the Bay of Pigs Invasion may not have even happened. All it would’ve taken was for the closed mouth president to speak up and voice his opinion about how it could go wrong. Mongar argues that it appeared as though â€Å"Kennedy experienced difficulty separating the administrative and political functions of the presidency, which would have been understandable in view of the fact that the Bay of Pigs was his first important political decision. † As far as the Bay of Pigs is concerned, Kennedy started out as a simple decision maker or foreign policy leader. He would since become a more complex decision maker, using carefulness and strategy to implement policies and decisions. Kennedy later revised his group decision-making process to encourage more dissent and debate. This change would later help to avert a potential nuclear disaster. Even though the Bay of Pigs Invasion turned out to be a complete failure, Kennedy demonstrated that he was ambitious. He was a new president and wanted to start off strong, so given the opportunity to attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro, he took it. This showed in his actions following the invasion as well, for he had to negotiate for the lives of over a thousand survivors or POW’s that were captured during the failed invasion. The psych or individual attributes of any given leader are important in the decision making process. Some situations even encourage leaders to fuse their own attributes with the problems they’re dealing with. The Cuban Missile Crisis can be attributed as being one of those occasions. The Cold War Rivalry had been extremely high between America and the Soviet Union for years. The Cuban Missile Crisis was an event that had the entire world standing in fear and attention. In October of 1962, aerial photos showed Soviet nuclear missile sites that were armed in Cuba. If the program were to continue, their nuclear warheads would be able to reach most of the United States. John F. Kennedy’s first inclination was to launch an air strike to take out the missiles; but upon further speculation and debate with his advisors he concluded that it would be a poor idea, thinking back to the debacle of the Bay of Pigs Invasion. He instead decided to use soft power through negotiations and blockades. Soft power is the use of alternatives to military conflict such as treaties, negotiations, and policies. Kennedy was offended by what he believed were false assurances from Khrushchev that the Soviet Union was only introducing defensive weapons to Cuba as a means to defend the country from a potential attack from America. Kennedy said that the missiles would have to be removed because he did not want it to have a negative effect on the â€Å"global political balance. He took the action of making a quarantine or blockade around Cuba, which was considered an act of war but he did not think that the Soviet Union would launch an attack from a mere blockade. What this meant was that every ship entering or leaving Cuba was to be inspected by the U. S. Navy, mainly for offensive weapons of any kind. The failure that Kennedy faced from the Bay of Pigs Invasion was not something that he was willing to face a second time , especially since in this case it could mean the fate of the world. He was diligent and focused in his plan with the Cuban Missile Crisis. â€Å"†¦Kennedy's succorance need and his obsession for competence: demonstrable expertise. In general, the implementation groups brought together in crisis situations were superior to any the White House has ever known. The indirect effects were largely cognitive, involving the manner in which his operational regulators structured and expectations of his advisers: Kennedy's pessimism about he probability of failure sharpened their sense of professional craftsmanship and dedication to sound judgment; his sense of caution produced a reluctance to act prematurely which usually gave them more time to work; his natural skepticism encouraged them to thoroughly question every conclusion and item of information encountered. † This shows that through Kennedy’s personality traits, he was able to influence the people around him and thus making everything run smoothly. He had a sense of caution and thoroug hness that enabled him and his advisors to handle the situation without any hiccups.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Assess the sociological explanation of science and ideology of belief system? Essay

Sociologists argue that science and ideology can both be belief systems. In the 18th century was the era of the enlightenment. People started to think and question was there more than just a God and that’s where science was introduced. People started to use rational ways of thinking to explain things that happened. Science has been used to develop different parts in society such as medicine and technology that we use in everyday life. But it has also caused problems such as pollution and global warming. Science has cognitive power, it can allow us to explain, predict and control the world. According to Popper science is an open belief system where every scientist’s theories are open to scrutiny, criticised and tested by others. He says that science is governed by the principle of falsificationism. This is whereby scientists set out to try and falsify existing theories, deliberately seeking evidence that would disprove them. Such as the fact that the big bang is a theory that everyone accepts but there is much more that scientists do not know and more needed to be found therefore it could be false. It argues that there always can be more and more evidence for every theory that has ever been made and proven. Then when disproving these knowledge claims allows scientific world to grow. It is cumulative, whereby it builds on achievements of previous scientists. This explanation shows that science can be a belief system as nothing can ever be proven 100% as there will always be something or someone that will disprove a theory with other evidence and therefore people belief what they have been told. This is much like religion in a way by the fact that religion cannot be proven it is something that people belief in. If popper is correct then it still leaves the question of why science has grown over the last few centuries. Merton argues that science can only thrive as a major social institution if it receives support from other institutions and values. He argues that this occurred in England as a result of the values and attitudes created by the protestant reformation especially Puritanism. The beliefs that they had to study nature led appreciation of God’s works, encouraged them to experiment. They stressed social welfare and were attracted to the fact that science could produce technological inventions to improve the conditions of life. Like Popper, Merton argues that science as an institution or organised social activity needs ethos that make scientists work in a way that serves the goal of increasing scientific knowledge. He identifies four such norms,  communism because scientific knowledge is not private property and they must share their findings with the scientific community. Universalism, the truth or falsity of scientific knowledge is judged by universal, objective criteria and not by the particular race or sex of the scientist who produces it. Disinterestedness, the means being committed to discovering knowledge for its own sake by publishing their findings for others to check their claims. Organised scepticism, the fact that no knowledge clam is sacred. Every idea is open to questioning, criticism and objective investigation. By contrast despite Popper’s view of science as an open and critical, some others argue that science itself can be seen as a self-sustaining or closed system of beliefs. For example, Polanyi argues that all belief systems reject fundamental challenges to their knowledge claims; science is no different, as the case of Dr Velikovsky indicates. One example for scientist’s refusal even to consider such challenges comes from a historian of science. Kuhn argues that a mature science such as geology, biology or physics is based on a set of shared assumptions that he calls a paradigm. This tells the scientist what reality is like, the problems to study, and what methods and equipment to use. Scientific education and training is a process of being socialised into faith in the truth of the paradigm, and a successful career depends on working within paradigms. For these reasons, any scientist who challenges the fundamental assumptions of the paradigms. Others in the scientific community will no longer regard him or her as a scientist at all. The only exceptions to this are during one of the rare periods that Kuhn describes as a scientific revolution, when faith in the truth of the paradigm has already been undermined by an accumulation of anomalies, the results that the paradigm cannot account for. Only then do scientists become open to radically new values. Interpretivist sociologists have developed Kuhn’s ideas further. They argue that all knowledge including scientific knowledge is socially constructed. That is rather than being objective truth; it is created by social groups using the resources available to them. In this case of science, scientific fact- those things that scientists take to be true and real are the product of shared theories or paradigms that tell them what they should expect to see, and of the particular instruments they use. Therefore Karin Knorr- Cetina argues that the invention of new instruments, such as telescopes or microscopes, permits  scientists to make mew observations and construct or fabricate new facts. Similarly she points out that what scientists study in the laboratory is highly constructed and far removed from the natural world that they are supposedly studying. According to the ethnomethodologist Woolgar, scientists are engaged in the same process of making sense or interpreting the world as everyone else. With the evidence from experiments they have to decide what it means. They do so by devising and applying theories or explanations, but they then have to persuade others to accept their interpretations. An example of this is in the case of the discovery of pulsar. The scientist’s initially annotated the patterns shown on their printouts from the radio telescope as LGM1. Recognising that this was an unacceptable interpretation from the view point of the scientific community they eventually settled on the notion that the patterns represented the signals from a type of star which is unknown to science. There is still a debate about what the signals really meant. As Woolgar notes a scientific fact is simply a social construction or belief that scientists are able to persuade their colleagues to share. This therefore shows that science can be a believe system as science is socially constructed and people believe in what they are told even if it true or not. There are also other critical perspectives such as Marxism and feminism which see scientific knowledge as far from pure truth. Instead they regard it as serving the interests of dominant groups, the ruling class in the case of Marxists and men for feminists. Therefore many advances in supposedly pure science have been driven by the need of capitalism for certain types of knowledge. For example biological ideas have been used to justify both male domination and colonial expansion. In this respect science can be seen as a form of ideology. In a different sense postmodernists also reject the knowledge claim of science to have the truth. In the view of Lyotard for example science is one of a number of Meta narratives that falsely claims to possess the truth. In Lyotard’s view science falsely claims to offer the truth about how the world works as a means of progress to a better society, whereas in reality he argues science is just one more one way of thinking that is used to dominate people. Sociologists have come up with a definition for ideology which is a worldview or a set of ideas and values, which is basically a belief system. Although ideology is used in many ways these are a distorted, false or  mistaken ideas about the work, ideas that conceal the interests of a particular groups, ideas that prevent changes by misleading people, and a self- sustaining belief system that is irrational and closed to criticism. here are a number of theories of ideology one of which is Marxists that see society as divided into two opposed classes, them that own the means of production and control the state, and a majority working class who are property less and therefore forced to sell their labour to the capitalist. They see the ruling class to not only control the means of production but ideas through institutions. In a result it produces the ruling class ideology, ideas that legitimate or justify the status quo. The dominant ideas are them or the ruling class and they function to prevent change by creating a false consciousness among workers. However despite these ideological barriers, Marx believes that ultimately the working class will develop a true class consciousness and unite the overthrow capitalism. This shows that ideology is a belief system as in Marxism’s case it uses the ruling class believes to stop the poor from becoming successful. Feminists see gender inequality as the fundamental division and patriarchal ideology as playing a key role in legitimating it. Because a gender difference is a feature of all societies there exists many different ideologies to justify it. For example how ideas from science have been used to justify excluding women from education. In addition to patriarchal ideologies is science, those embodied in religious beliefs and practices have also been used to define women as inferior. This also shows that ideology can be a belief system in terms of beliefs and ideas about women and how inferior they are to men. Mannheim sees all belief systems as a partial or sided view worldview. Their one sidedness results from being the viewpoint of one particular group or class and its interests. This leads him to distinguish between to board types of belief system or worldview. They are ideological thought which justifies keeping things as they are and utopian thought which justifies social change. Mannheim sees these worldviews as creations of groups of intellectuals who attach themselves to particular classes or social groups. However because these intellectuals represent the interests of particular groups and not society as a whole they only produce partial views of reality. The belief system of each class or group only gives us a partial truth about the world. In conclusion there is evidence to show  that both science and ideology can be a belief system. This is shown by using things such as science as an open and close belief system. The fact that science can never be objective because theories and experiments are carried out by humans which have feelings and therefore subjective. Science also seen as being socially constructed. The fact that Marxists and feminists see science also as a belief system that serves the interests of dominant groups. The idea that ideology is a belief system is seen as true as this is how sociologists define ideology.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

History of jazz Essay

Jazz is a form of American music which began in the 20th century though it has some of the elements of songs which had evolved in the late 19th century. It originated from the African Americans who were living in the southern parts of United States. Jazz is a combination of African and European traditions of music. Jazz developed mainly due to the cultural experiences which were being experienced by the African American as a result of slavery. Jazz is believed to have originated from the slave songs which the African Americans used to sing while working on the plantations. Music marked an important part of the lives of the African Americans and greatly influenced the American music industry to this day. The rhythms of ragtime were expressions of perseverance and the passion for the African Americans or the slaves to get freedom. During this period, also blues had been introduced which were songs that reflected the tribulations and trials of slavery live. Cultural experiences that the African Americans went through formed the themes of most of the songs . A brief history of African music In the African culture, music is highly esteemed and forms part of the daily life of a native African. The rhythm used in African songs and the pitch makes the African language sophisticated especially for accurate translation by non Africans. Music in African culture since time immemorial was and is still widely used in ceremonies and celebrations. Songs are sung by clapping, dancing and singing natural responses. Most of the African songs are call and response songs and this is done on varying degrees thus resulting to hetrophonic results. Unlike in western music which is characterized by complexity and polyrhythm and also polymeters, African music often evokes response of physical movement and at times calling for conscious response altering. Africans adopted the European 2 and 4 bar format beats which led to the evolution of syncopation. This syncopation made the audiences to clap their hands, dance and even tap their feet with such emotion which had not been experienced before in American music. The African music transformed the American music industry to this day . Roots of jazz music In the wake of 16th century, Europeans were using African slaves as laborers as well as their servants. Europeans had settled in the western hemisphere where they were setting up shops. They had also settled in the south and central parts of America as well as the northern parts which were commonly referred as new word (today’s United States). Slaves were mostly situated at the Caribbean where they got exposure to the music styles of the European music and also the western instruments which were being used in those areas. The culture of South Americans also influenced greatly the African slaves who were spending most of their time in the islands waiting to be bought and taken to the Caribbean islands . During the 16th century, slave trade had not reached the northern parts of America but in 1610, the first group of slaves was taken to North America through New Orleans ports. In Orleans, the slaves were taken to the southern plantations while some of the wealthy Orleans purchased some of the slaves. In south Orleans, Christianity had taken root with Catholic Church being dominant. This gave the slaves exposure to the Christian activities and immediately a chord was formed between the slaves and the church. This was mainly influenced by the similarities which existed between the African ritual and the Catholic Church practices. It is also believed that the call and response known as the Gregorian chants used by the catholic church also contributed greatly to the form of music that developed among the African slaves. Exposure to the western music and their instruments and also the Catholic Church practices and the experiences the slaves were undergoing in the foreign land led to the evolution of a homogenized cultural music. The songs were used by the African slaves to ease the pain they were going through while in slavery . Slaves also used music to tell stories of their ordeals, to celebrate and also as a means of looking for relief in God. The resulting culturization of the slave music formed the basis for their songs of the already settled Americans which they marked as their â€Å"own new music†. Work songs, spiritual songs and hollers became the starting point of gospel music which was mainly extracted from the New Testament. Story telling blues were also formulated during this period and these are believed to be the roots of the jazz music. The blues consisted of soulful flatted notes and a syncopated rhythm which evolved to be the ragtime music. This form of music was becoming popular mostly in America during the period. The freeing of slaves after the civil war led to public awareness of the existence of blues as well as jazz music which had the origin of the African slaves thus a black culture. However, before this time, slaves who were living in New Orleans used to meet at Congo square where they used to do and dance to music and also to compete musically. The band which won the weekly competition was given sponsorship to an establishment which was organized by the black musicians. These bands formed the initial origin of jazz in the northern America. Due to their influence in New Orleans, the black musicians were offered jobs in whore houses in story Ville which ensured they obtained a living in this place . Though after the civil war most of the African slaves were freed and allowed limited access to education, finding a decent job was difficult since the rate of discrimination was still very high. New Orleans provided a working environment for the musicians which could be termed as being â€Å"supportive† which made this place to become the hot spot for music such as blues and jazz. Increasing awareness of this forms of music also formed the center for the â€Å"American† music especially in the United States. During this period, cheap pianos were being sold thus the black musicians had access to them mostly in the whore house especially in New Orleans. The pianos helped in providing rhythmic and also harmonic basis for bands to perform spontaneously for their clients. A single musician could also sing using the piano thus increasing the popularity of African jazz and blues. Solo artists were performing for the saloons and also bordellos . The first recognized and accepted form of jazz style to be performed in the United States was done by the small black marching bands which were from New Orleans which was later branded the Dixieland. This jazz style was used in funeral marches. This music was based on the western music beat structure which was mixed with traditional marching using brass brand instruments. The black musicians then broke into solos which were improvised around a theme which was melodic and this was done simultaneously. Joyous celebrations then followed the burial as they celebrated the new life of the deceased. The improvised polytonality belonging to the native Africans was widely recognized in the structures of the population of the whites in the United States. During this festival or burial march, coronet, trombone, trumpet, drums and clarinet instruments were being used. Another instrument which was used was the banjo which the Americans had adopted from the instruments of native Africans. As such, almost all of the American music was rooted or has its originality from the Africans who were mostly slaves. African culture provided a rich music background which was easily and quickly adapted by the Americans. Jazz was one of the most predominant forms of music which the population of the United States imitated from the Native Africans . Despite the wide acceptance of jazz in New Orleans, it was not regarded as legitimate music especially by the music industry in Chicago and New York among other parts in the United States. During the 19th century and early 20th century, the center for fine arts in United States was located in New York and it was supporting only the highly educated and widely traveled musicians. This â€Å"high society† usually considered musicians and artists from Europeans music school. However, during the civil war era, black influence in the music industry started to creep slowly to the entertainment scene in New York. This was aided by the formation of minstrel show elements like the vaudeville and others. Ragtime was introduced in the United States which combined the blue tones and syncopation utilization but it was resisted. The â€Å"polite† society highly resisted this form of music terming it to be vulgar, suggestive and filthy. It was refereed to as African belly dance and was dismissed as the edition of orgies from Africa. These people also viewed it as a sex dance thus increasing their resistance and they advocated for its banishment from a society which was â€Å"polite† . During this period, most of the blacks were migrating to New York City thus increasing the influence of ragtime and dance hall music and the shows as well. A recording industry was also introduced in this city where most of the black musicians were migrating to record their songs. This place was later named Harlem and it opened the stage which led to an upheaval in the music industry of New York as well as the whole world. This formed a major historic part of the music industry in the United States and the origin of jazz music in New York City and the larger United States. In some parts of the east coast, jazz and blues were not recognized as being legitimate despite its influence in New Orleans. This place like the New York was inhabited by the high society people of the east coast. A group of whites citing the name original Dixieland jazz band recorded the first jazz in New York in the year 1917. Being white, the band tried to commercialize the viability of jazz music and in so doing; they visited Europe with their new format of Dixieland. This group is today credited for the spread of jazz to most parts of the world. However, despite their visit to Europe in 1917, jazz music had entered Europe in 1914 through black musicians. Europeans were less discriminatory on racial basis and were paying the black musicians better than in the United States. The black migration to Europe led to the establishment of the â€Å"hot club† which was located in Paris. African musicians thus contributed greatly to the history and evolution of music industry in Europe as well as in Americas . In 1924, jazz was presented to the high society of New York during a contest. The performance of the jazz band was stunning to the American people although it was criticized by one of the personality known as Martin Williams who was highly respected and a jazz critic. This performance made jazz to be more accepted in America broadly than during the first attempt. The era of post First World War led to high migration of most black musicians to Mississippi from the South and they went up to Chicago. This led to Chicago becoming a jazz’s and blues center in United States in the 1920’s. The south side of Chicago was mostly occupied by blacks some of them musicians who had migrated form south. During this time, the whites who were living in the northern parts of Chicago learned about jazz sounds thus there was competition between the northern white jazz musicians and the southern side black musicians. This competition was usually supportive and friendly. These musicians were also given exposure through the advent of commercial radio and a recording industry. Afro American influence had also been made valid thus giving the musicians a wider scope for their careers. However, there was a segregation system in the United States which was unfair to the blacks. Despite this segregation system, the music of the blacks and the whites reduced the boundaries which had existed before and this ultimately led to the development of Chicago blue scenes in the 1930’s. This also led to development of urban blues in some parts of the United States. Jazz music which was originally from the African slaves and the later migration to various parts of the United States helped in the establishment and growth of the music industry in this country as well as the whole world . Conclusion African music had a great influence and it formed the foundation of most of the Americas music. Slavery and the later migration were some of the major factors which contributed to the development and the spread of jazz music as well as other forms of music like blues. The rich African culture and music background combined with their experiences while in slavery as well as the influence of western culture and their instruments gave rise to the introduction of jazz music which has continued to be one of the most sought music. Apart from the influence that African Americans had on the American music, this music also changed the entire music industry in America and in most parts of the world. Introduction of jazz music and other African styles led to a complete overhaul in the music industry in America and also in Europe. Furthermore, jazz music helped in bridging the gap between the blacks and the white especially in Chicago. African American music has played a major role in the music industry in the United States and is credited as being the root of most of the music styles in this country.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Software Recommendation for PPQ Parts Manufacturing Essay

Software Recommendation for PPQ Parts Manufacturing - Essay Example The following ERP system software will cover materials requirements planning, capacity requirement planning and enterprise resource planning needs. The 6 were selected from the list of top hosted ERP, client/server ERP and Open Source ERP, giving the company options: 1. NetSuite NetSuite is an on-demand software system which provides Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise resource planning and partner relationship management. One of its advantages over the other systems is that it has ecommerce or webstore which provides the company to receive orders through shopping carts of their website. It is mostly applicable for small to medium businesses. The modules of the system do not have a comprehensive Supply chain management feature although it meets most businesses. The standard customization feature allows non-technical users to make some customizations specific to business needs although Java scripting capabilities is still required to create some advance customizations. End us er phone support is paid, if a company wants a dedicated support, they may opt to avail platinum support. Overall, the system is high priced and has add-on charges. UserGroup is available to interact with other NetSuite users. 2. Aplicor Aplicor is also an on-demand software system. ... Therefore, providing flexibility for the business needs. The downside of this is that upgrades might be missed or any additional feature since user is in a separate instance. Aplicor is moderately priced, the end support is provided together with the monthly rate, and provided 90-day unconditional exit if customer is dissatisfied. 3. Epicor Epicor is an on-premise software system which has been known for its accounting applications. It is the first to receive the coveted Designed for Microsoft Backoffice Logo. The software is targeted to midmarket companies and divisions of the Global. Its Financial Suites has an enhanced flexibility with its .NET enterprise servers, implementation is fast and easy, with scalability to grow with the company's business workflow. They provide good after-sales support which is moderately priced. Toll free phone support is provided to all express customers. It is available from 7am-7pm Central time, weekdays excluding holidays. Online customer support ce nter called EPICweb also provide 24x7 access to information and other resources such as the online user community. 4. Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics is another ERP software system having a strong mid-market solution. The deployment is flexible because it may be on-premise, online or in the Cloud, depending on the company's choice. It offers multiple ERP products, one of it is Microsoft Dynamicx AX 2012 which provides a large scope of ERP features and combined it with specific capabilities that government organizations need to operate and to quickly respond to constituents and other subsectors involved. It customization features allow the system with simple customizations to adapt to the customer's business workflow and processes. The system is low to moderately

Lab DSP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Lab DSP - Essay Example Table 1 indicates that expected values are the same with program’s values. Rectangular window function was utilized to design low-pass filters in MATLAB with window length M=2, 45, 65 and ω=0.2 as cut-off frequency. The graphs for impulse response, pole-zero, and magnitude function (linear as well as dB) were drawn. In the first experiment, three LPFs of varying lengths, length M = 25, 45, 65 as well as a 0.2π cut-off frequency were designed. Many observations were made during filter design process. The rectangular function’s main lobe width is 4π/M. The main lobe’s width narrows as M increases, affecting transition width and increasing its gradient. Increasing M reduces a large transition width, which is an unwanted effect. The area below the side lobes remain unchanged with signals retaining the ripples. High side lobe as well as stopband attenuation of -13 db and -21 dB respectively makes the rectangular function undesirable to use. Using a different window function with lower side lobes as well as stop band attenuations is the only way to overcome. Poles-zeros plot significantly affect response frequency when ascertaining the poles/zeros position in the unit circle, thus remain very crucial for the experiment. Unit circle zeros make response to move towards zero, which are components of stopband range. Zeros that are components of passband range produce ripples during passband frequency, thus impact the signal, which consequently affects filter accuracy. Zeros ranging 0-π are crucial because those that are outside do not have impact on the filter response. The poles at zero only have impact on the height of the passband. All window functions, including rectangular, hamming and Blackman, were used in MATLAB to design low-pass filters where length, M was 25 and cut-off frequency was ω=0.2. The graphs for impulse response,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

With reference to the British Museum discuss whether Britains imperial Essay

With reference to the British Museum discuss whether Britains imperial legacy still has an influence on British cultural identity - Essay Example The society as a whole would start to worry about their loss of individual identity, and their emotional pursuits. Cultural identity of a legacy is a primary source for people to identify themselves with and obtain belongings. Museum has the responsibilities to protect a people’s cultural heritage through various exhibitions and collections to promote cultural identity. Based on this, this essay seeks to examine the ways British Museum prospects of Britain’s imperial legacy and its impact on the cultural identity of Britain. Museums in the simplest aspect is the result and reflection of social progress and development (Bennett, 1995 p14). The developing ideology of British Museum is to let the public become the center of museums, and let the museum become the center of the society. British Museum takes many measures and works to make it become a real physical space through imperial legacies. British Museum is one of the world’s first national museums if it is juxtaposed against the world’s three most famous museums in Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (Smith & MacGregor, 2007 p26). British Museum was established on the basis of British political, economic and cultural progress. The collections in British Museum are the reflection of the power of Britain because most artefacts and souvenirs are housed in there. It is important to note and mention that the cultural tenets and foundations are also preserved and housed in the museum. The term culture refers to a way and lifestyle of a people. Cultural identity refers to the cultural inclination and recognition of human beings. Individuals obtain cultural identity through belonging to their cultures and cultural groups (Klanten et al., 2013 p142). Therefore, cultural identity is a social psychological process of keeping and innovating their cultural society. Cultural inclination also identify a process to construct identity

Monday, August 26, 2019

Death and Resurrection in Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Death and Resurrection in Art - Essay Example The essay will also describe the Édouard Manet’s, The Dead Christ with Angels, and howit was installed in the Metropolitan Museum. The Metropolitan Museum of Art located in New York is agiant, three-dimension archive,and the largest art museum in the United States, whichwas founded on April 13, 1870 for the purpose to collect, preserve, exhibit, study and stimulate appreciation for, to develop and encourage the study of fine arts, and advance the knowledge of works of art that represent generally the broadest spectrum of human achievements. On the other hand,the Frick museum was founded by Henry Clay Flick which is a small museum, and often referred to as Frick collection since the activity of accumulating and the totality of the objects and assembled. The museum’s Collections of the art turn out to rely on the contributions of passionate individual collectors. Both the museums were founded for the purpose of encouraging and developing the study of fine arts and are open for the public, and situated in the United States.(Walter 3) Viewing art in Frick Museum is fascinating since it serves as a monument to an individual founder and memorizes the founder’s personal taste of art.The collection displays the beliefs, choices and values of an era.They sort to retain control over their creations. The museum allows an exceptional visual understanding of a crucial aspect of the history of art. (Walter 3)The disadvantage in viewing art from Metropolitan museum is that the art, themuseum can get overly.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

ASB'S Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Research Paper

ASB'S Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements - Research Paper Example Three more important concepts which are identified by IAS 1 are Prudence, substance over form and materiality. These concepts form the basis of the selection and implementation of the accounting policies. The basic purpose of the framework presented by the IASB is to provide the definition of why the financial statements are required. It also ascertains the qualitative characteristics that eke the process of making the information provided by the financial statements more useful. The framework also elaborates about the basic elements included in the financial statements and the concepts for recognizing and measuring them in financial statements. The general purpose financial statement is required to provide information regarding the financial position including the cash flow and performance of the company. The information provided in the financial statement helps a company in comparing its performance from the last year and supports the management in undertaking important decisions regarding the business. The purpose can only be fulfilled if the financial statements provide information regarding the following aspects of the company. Other information in the notes and related documents help the users in estimation and evaluation of the present and future position of the entity. The framework provided by the IASB addresses the general purpose financial statements prepared by every business entity for addressing the information requirements of a wide range of users in making economic decisions. As the framework addresses the purpose of preparing the general financial reports it may not apply to the special purpose financial reports.  

Saturday, August 24, 2019


IMPROVE CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP IN THE CURRENT FASHION INDUSTRY (CRM) - Essay Example Information technology has accelerated the evolutionary phase of customer relationship. Many CRM software and information systems are available today which can be used for capturing and storing potential customer data which help organizations in developing and maintaining customer relationship. This report is an attempt to provide comprehensive information on technologies used by the present day organizations for maintaining a healthy relationship with their potential customers. Supply chain has also supported organizations in improving their relationship building activities with their customers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a comprehensive approach adopted by organizations in order to create, maintain, and expand their customer base. It has become an essential part of every organization and seeks participation from all of the departments of that organization. It should be noted the process of customer base development of an organization is not dependent on any specific department. Instead it is a strategy which must be followed by all of the departments while developing their departmental plans. It is not solely related to the IT department of the organization neither it is an activity performed by the sales and marketing team (Anderson & Kerr, 2002). Present day business situation has forced organizations to revamp their traditional approaches so as to meet their target revenue and sales volume. High level of competition has become an issue not only for international level organizations but also for the organizations operating in the national and domestic markets. Organizations are required to use smarter techniques for identifying and retaining their customers. This has also made it necessary for the present day organizations to analyze their offerings and identify their targeted customers. The latter is considered as the key to success as it increases the of the productivity and revenue generation of the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Total Quality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Total Quality Management - Essay Example The truth of this statement and those facts that disagree with this statement are thoroughly examined in this research to offer an avid discussion of how to achieve success with the implementation of TQM in a business. A major element in world market competition is quality. During the 1970’s and 1980’s, the Japanese and their U.S. companies demonstrated that high quality is achievable at lower costs and greater customer satisfaction (Heaphy & Grusky 1995). These were consequently the results of utilizing management principles of total quality management (TQM). U.S. companies have demonstrated that such achievements are possible using TQM as a way to manage business now, in present times. Also, many international companies have come to realize that when everyone pulls in the same direction it brings improvement in management skills in all forms of business, which TQM has made become a way of life in the many business sectors throughout the world (Laszlo 1999). In order to implement a strategy like TQM into a business requires an Upper-management change in both philosophy and behavior. Research has shown that business managers in any area, even within the realm of a mortgage brokerage company, must adopt the objectives of customer satisfaction and continuous improvement if they are going to rise to the top of the business chain both nationally and internationally (Wilkes & Dale 1998). They must implement the change to achieve these objectives through their personal and continuous involvement and through providing reeducation services for everyone within an organization. It is of course definitive that the organization should focus on solely TQM principles and practices so that the philosophy of management can work reasonably well. This is specifically true if a company wants to gain dominance in the world market and have outstanding success internationally (Wilkes & Dale

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Guilt vs Acceptance Essay Example for Free

Guilt vs Acceptance Essay The power and impact that guilt can have on one’s life can be a positive and negative experience depending on how the individual deals with their situation and whether or not they learn a lesson from their mistake. The novels A Separate Peace by John Knowles and Fifth Business by Robertson Davies share the theme of guilt in their storylines through events and relationships but differ as to how to the characters cope with their reactions through reflection and confrontation. A Separate Peace tells the story of a young boy by the name of Gene Forrester who in an act of jealousy and competitiveness pushes his friend Phineas out of a tree. Fifth Business surrounds the character Dunstan Ramsay, who as a child, ducks a snowball with a rock hidden within thrown at him by his friend Guy. The snowball hits Mary Dempster at the back of the head, causing her brain damage and the premature birth of her baby Paul Dempster. Both plots surround two men who look back at their lives and how a single negative event affects their childhood. What would appear to be an insignificant moment of the past evolves into a lifelong mental scar that poisons the characters with guilt and the desire for acceptance. The novels’ protagonists share encounters in childhood fueled by competitive friendships; however, Gene Forrester accepts responsibility for his actions and is able to move on while Dunstan Ramsay does not and lets his memories and guilt plague his life. The two novels are similar in the aspect that both Gene Forrester and Dunstan Ramsay are involved in childhood incidents that curse them with guilt. In the novel A Separate Peace, Gene Forrester subconsciously moves the branch he and his physically and socially superior friend Finny are standing on. Finny falls and is heavily injured and the casualties lead to his early death later on. â€Å"†¦and then my knees bent and I jounced the limb. Finny, his balance gone, swung his head around to look at me for an instant with extreme interest, and then he tumbled sideways, broke through the little branches below and hit the bank with a sickening, unnatural thud† (Knowles 60). Gene Forrester feels solely responsible for this terrible accident and feels extremely guilty. â€Å"If Phineas had been sitting here in this pool of guilt, how would he have felt, what would he have done? (Knowles 66). In the novel Fifth Business, a rich and jealous enraged friend Percy Boyd Staunton pursues Dunstan Ramsay. When Percy throws a rock concealed in a snowball at Dunstan’s head he ducks and lets it strike the pregnant Mary Dempster. This accident is the cause of the premature birth of Paul Dempster and the destruction of Mr. and Mrs. Dempster’s marriage and family. â€Å"I stepped briskly†¦in front of the Dempsters just as Percy threw, and the snowball hit Mrs. Dempster on the back of the head† (Davies 2). Dunstan feels responsible for Mrs. Dempster’s mental health, Paul Dempster’s physical health, and their ruin as a family. â€Å"I was contrite and guilty, for I knew the snowball had been meant for me, but the Dempster’s did not seem to think that† (Davies 3). Both characters suffer from these self-inflicted negative occurrences and struggle with the realization of what they have done and how it affects those involved. Another similarity between A Separate Peace and Fifth Business is that both Gene Forrester and Dunstan Ramsay have intimate friendships infused with jealousy and competition. These poisoned relationships both ignite the impactful events that occur in their childhoods. Gene feels in constant competition with Finny, who appears to be good at everything. â€Å"That way he, the great athlete, would be way ahead of me. It was all cold trickery, it was all calculated, it was all enmity† (Knowles 53). He is superior in appearance, physical capability, personal stamina and respect gained from popularity amongst the other boys at the school. â€Å"I couldn’t help envy him that a little, which was perfectly normal. There was no harm in envying even your best friend a little† (Knowles 25). Dunstan knows that Boy Staunton wishes to be the best in everything. He aspires to be the most handsome, most successful in a romantic relationship, most successful in a career and most popular. â€Å"Percy Boyd Staunton†¦the only man who accepted his watch with an air†¦it was a fine effect, and as I grinned and clapped, my stomach burned with jealousy† (Davies 97). He feels aggressive resentment for Boy as he lives the life that Dunstan secretly wishes he could himself. â€Å"Boy wore a gorgeous pullover of brownish-red†¦and his demeanor was that of the lords of creation. A pretty girl with shingled hair and rolled stockings that allowed you to see delightful flashes of her bare knees was with him, and they were taking alternate pulls on a flask that contained, I am sure, something intoxicating†¦I was filled with a sour scorn that I now know was nothing but envy†¦I didn’t really want the clothes, I didn’t really want the girl or the booze, but it scalded me to see him enjoying them†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Davies 113). The two novels capture the intensity of the character’s conflicted relationships with their closest friends as their constant struggle for a balance between hatred and respect fails to cease. The novels A Separate Peace and Fifth Business differ from each other within the main character’s thoughts and reflections on their memories. Gene Forrester accepts jostling the tree limb so Finny would fall, but understands the particular incident as a fragment of the past with no lasting effect on his life. Dunstan Ramsay however, remains attached to his guilt and responsibility for letting the snowball hit Mrs. Dempster and his actions haunt him for the remainder of his days. Gene Forrester revisits his old school and although experiences memories of fear from the past, it is only an echo not a current emotion. â€Å"Looking back now across fifteen years, I could see with great clarity the fear that I have lived in, which must mean that in the interval I had succeeded in a very important undertaking: I must have made my escape from it† (Knowles 10). He has not severed his feelings of regret towards the incident nor does he see Finny’s untimely death as unimportant but instead is able to appreciate his strong connection with this part of his past and can learn from his childhood errors. He understands that the experience matured him and was a crucial step in the climb of growing up. Gene visits the site where Finny fell with confidence and seeks the gratification of knowing that those years trapped at Devon school with an injured friend are behind him. â€Å"This was the tree, and it seemed to me standing there to resemble those men, the giants of your childhood, whom you encounter years later and find that they are not merely smaller in relation to your growth, but that they are absolutely smaller, shrunken by age† (Knowles 14). Dunstan Ramsay on the other hand, does not revisit sites from his past every 15 years but instead dedicates his entire life to the study of Saints and Mary Dempster’s impact on his life. He does not permit himself assessment of his child-self’s mentality during the accident and therefore, is never able to gain the satisfaction of learning from his mistakes. â€Å"Ramsey†¦You have paid such a price, and you look like a man full of secrets-grim-mouthed and buttoned-up and hard-eyed and cruel, because you are cruel to yourself. It has done you good to tell what you know; you look much more human already† (Davies 220). Instead of visiting places of his past or confronting those involved with his childhood, he sees his memories through a haze of anger and anxiety. An event that should have seemed insignificant and even negligible after so many years, is still important to him in his daily life and the emotions he felt 40 years ago have not changed but intensified. The fear and guilt he felt as a child is still fresh in his mind. â€Å"Cursing what seemed to be a life sentence†¦my association with Mrs. Dempster†¦It was as though I were visiting a part of my own soul that was condemned to live in hell† (Davies 182). The two characters, although faced with similar situations, choose different paths for their lives, which separate them from each other. A final contrast between the characters Gene Forrester and Dunstan Ramsay in the novels A Separate Peace and Fifth Business is the difference in their reaction to the event in their past. Both Gene and Dunstan suffer guilt about a single action in their childhood. Gene confronts his emotions and immediately tells Finny what happened, while Dunstan keeps the truth of the event a secret. While Finny is still recovering from his fall, Gene immediately visits Phineas after the accident and tells him the truth. Although he feels he makes things worse, it gives him a peace of mind and helps him to move on. â€Å"Finny, I’ve got something to tell you. You’re going to hate it, but there’s something I’ve got to tell you†¦This is the worst thing in the world† (Knowles 66-67). Gene is able to move past his guilty conscience of causing Finny’s fall and is able to focus his attention to mentally recovering and pushing forward in life. †¦in spite of everything, I welcomed each new day as though it were a new life, where all past failures and problems were erased, and all future possibilities and joys open and available, to be achieved probably before night fell again† (Knowles 105). Dunstan however, bottles up his thoughts and emotions concerning the events that occurred on the night Mrs. Dempster was hit on the back of t he head with a snowball. He does not tell anyone about the stone in the snow until the later years of his life. â€Å"Nevertheless this conversation reheated my strong sense of guilt and esponsibility about Paul, the war and my adult life had banked down that fire but not quenched it† (Davies 136). Dunstan keeps everything to himself and seeks out no help for his troubled mind and the stories and truths that are trapped within it. â€Å"The snow-in-the-snowball has been characteristic of too much you’ve done for you to forget it forever! † (Davies 270). The two outcomes of the two character’s lives is a reflection of how they handle the injury of the innocent and how they come to face the consequences of what they have done. The novels A Separate Peace and Fifth Business both display the lives of men who suffer a great deal in their childhood from unhealthy friendships and a singular bad event. Gene Forrester and Dunstan Ramsay share similarities in the occurrences of their lives but differentiate from each other in how they dealt with it. Gene faces his victim Finny with the truth of the accident, being that he deliberately jounced the limb so his superior friend would fall, and is therefore granted elation from his confession and a peace of mind. Gene matures free of guilt and the residue of the horrific event is but a memory he can briefly recall in his mind but not linger on. Dunstan Ramsey takes a different route, and on a downwards-spiraling path of shame, he lives a solitary life, left to face his childhood troubles every day, making ancient memories a constant reality. He matures with many emotional scars and does not feel any release from his inner torments. In conclusion, the two novels depict contrasting scenarios of self-reproach, one displays a character’s positive liberation of guilt and one shows a character’s negative manifestation of guilt.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Taking the Veil (by Katherine Mansfield) Essay Example for Free

Taking the Veil (by Katherine Mansfield) Essay It seemed impossible that anyone should be unhappy on such a beautiful morning. Nobody was, decided Edna, except herself. The windows were flung wide in the houses. From within there came the sound of pianos, little hands chased after each other and ran away fluttered in the sunny gardens, all bright with spring flowers. Street boys whistled, a little dog barked; people passed by, walking so lightly, so swiftly, they looked as though they wanted to break into a run. Now she actually saw in the distance a parasol of the year. Perhaps even Edna did not look quite as unhappy as she felt. It is not easy to look tragic at eighteen, when you are extremely pretty, with the cheeks and lips and shinning eyes of perfect health. Above all, when you are wearing a French blue frock and your new spring hat trimmed with cornflowers. True, she carried under her arm a book bound in horrid black leather. Perhaps the book provided a gloomy note, but only by accident; it was the ordinary Library binding. For Edna had made going to the Library an excuse for getting out of the house to think, to realize what had happened, to decide somehow what was to be done now. An awful thing happened. Quite suddenly, at the theatre last night, when she and Jimmy were seated side by side in the dress-circle, without a moment’s warning – in fact, she had just finished a chocolate almond and passed the box to him again – she had fallen in love with an actor. But – fallen – in – love†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. The feeling was unlike anything she had ever imagined before. It wasn’t in the least pleasant. It was hardly thrilling. Unless you can call the most dreadful sensation of hopeless misery, despair, agony and wretchedness, thrilling. Combined with the certainty that if that actor met her on the pavement after, while Jimmy was fetching their cab, she would follow him to the ends of the earth, at a nod, at a sign, without giving another thought to Jimmy or her fat her and mother or her happy home and countless friends again†¦.. The play had begun fairly cheerfully. That was at the chocolate almond stage. Then the hero had gone blind. Terrible moment! Edna had cried so much she had to borrow Jimmy’s folded, smooth-feeling handkerchief as well. Not that crying mattered. Whole rows were in tears. Even the men blew their noses with a loud trumpeting noise and tried to peer at the programme instead of looking at the stage. Jimmy, most mercifully dry-eyed – for what would she have done without his handkerchief? – squeezed her free hand, and whispered â€Å"Cheer up, darling girl!† And it was then she had taken a last chocolate almond to please him and passed the box again. Then there had been that ghastly scene with the hero alone on the stage in a deserted room at twilight, with a band playing outside and the sound of cheering coming from the street. He had tried – ah! How painfully, how pitifully! – to grope his way to the window. Hw had succeeded at last. There he stood holding the curtain while one beam of light, just one beam, shone full on his raised sightless face, and the band faded awa y into the distance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ It was – really, it was absolutely – oh, the most – it was simply – in fact, from that moment Edna knew that life could never be the same. She drew her hand away from Jimmy’s, leaned back, and shut the chocolate box for ever. T his at last was love! Edna and Jimmy were engaged. She had had her hair up for a year and a half, they had been publicly engaged for a year. But, they had known they were going to marry each other ever since they walked in the Botanical Gardens with their nurses, and sat on the grass with a wine biscuit and a piece of barley-sugar each for their tea. It was so much an accepted thing that Edna had worn a wonderfully good imitation of an engagement-ring out of a cracker all the time she was at school. And up till now they had been devoted to each other. But now it was over. It was so completely over that Edna found difficult to believe that Jimmy did not realize it too. She smiled wisely, sadly, as she turned into the gardens of the Convent of the Sacred Heart and mounted the path that led through them to Hill Street. How much better to know it now than to wait until after they were married! Now it was possible that Jimmy would get over it. No, it was no use deceiving herself; he would never get over it! His life was wrecked, was ruined; that was inevitable. But he was young†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Time, people always said, Time might make a little, just a little difference. In forty years when he was an old man, he might be able to think of her calmly – perhaps. But she, what did the future hold for her? Edna had reached the top of the path. There under a new-leafed tree, hung with little bunches of white flowers, she sat down on a green bench and looked over the Convent flowerbeds. In the one nearest to her grew tender stocks, with a border of blue, shell-like pansies, with at one corner a clump of creamy freesias, their light spears of green criss-crossed over the flowers. The Convent pigeons were tumbling high in the air, and she could hear the voice of Sister Agnes who was giving a singing lesson. Ah-me, sounded the deep tones of the nun, and Ah-me, they were echoed †¦.. If she did not marry Jimmy, of course s he would marry nobody. The man she was in love with, the famous actor – Edna had far too much common-sense not to realize that would never be. It was very odd. She didn’t even want it to be. Her love was too intense for that. It had to be endured, silently; it had to torment her. It was, she supposed, simply that kind of love. â€Å" But, Edna!† cried Jimmy. â€Å" Can you never change? Can I never hope again?† Oh, what sorrow to have to say it, but it must be said. â€Å" No, Jimmy, I will never change.† Edna bowed her head; and a little flower fell on her lap, and the voice of Sister Agnes cried suddenly Ah-no, and the echo came, Ah-no†¦.. At that moment the future was revealed. Edna saw it all. She was astonished; it took her breath away at first. But, after all, what could be more natural? She would go into a convent†¦. Her father and mother do everything to dissuade her, in vain. As for Jimmy, his state of mind hardly bears thinking about. Why can’t they understand? How can they add to her suffering like this? The world is cruel, terribly cruel! After a last scene when she gives away her jewellery and so on to her best friends – she so calm, they so broken-hearted – into a convent she goes. No, one moment. The very evening of her going is the actor’s last evening at Port Willin. He receives by a strange messenger a box. It is full of white flowers. But there is no name, no card. Nothing? Yes, under the roses, wrapped in a white handkerchief, Edna’s last photograph with, written underneath, The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Edna sat very still under the trees; she clasped the black book in her fingers as though it were her missal. She takes the name of Sister Angela. Snip! Snip! All her lovely hair is cut off. Will she be allowed to send one curl to Jimmy? It is contrived somehow. And in a blue gown with a white headband Sister Angela goes from the convent to the chapel, from the chapel to the convent with something unearthly in her look, in her sorrowful eyes, and in the gentle smile with which they greet the little children who run to her. A saint! She hears it whispered as she paces the chill, wax-smelling corridors. A saint! And visitors to the chapel are told of the nun whose voice is heard above the other voices, of her youth, her beauty, of her tragic, tragic love. â€Å" There is a man in this town whose life is ruined†¦Ã¢â‚¬  A big bee, a golden furry fellow, crept into freesia, and the delicate flower leaned over, swung, shook; and then the bee flew away it fluttered still as though it were laughing. Happy, careless flower! Sister Angela looked at it and said, â€Å" Now it is winter.† One night, lying in her icy cell, she hears a cry. Some stray animal is out there in the garden, a kitten or a lamb or –well, whatever little animal might be there. Up rises the sleepless nun. All in white, shivering but fearless, she goes and brings it in. But next morning, when the bell rings for matins, she is found tossing in her fever†¦. in delirium†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ and she never recovers. In three days all is over. The service has been said in the chapel, and she is buried in the corner of the cemetery reserved for the nuns, where there are plain little crosses of wood. Rest in Peace, Sister Angela†¦.. Now it is evening. Two old people leaning on each other come slowly to the grave and kneel down sobbing, â€Å" Our daughter! Our only daughter!† Now there comes another. He is all in black; he comes slowly. But when he is there and lifts his black hat, Edna sees to her horror his hair is snow-white. Jimmy! Too late, too late! The tears are running down his face; he is crying now. Too late, too late! The wind shakes the leafless trees in the churchyard. He gives one awful bitter cry. Edna’s black book fell with a thud to garden path. She jumped up, her heart beating. My darling! No, it’s not too late. It’s all been a mistake, a terrible dream. Oh, that white hair! How could she have done it? She has not done it. Oh, heavens! Oh, what happiness! She is free, young, and nobody knows her secret. Everything is still possible for her and Jimmy. The house they have planned may still be built, the little solemn boy with hands behind his back watching them plant the standard roses may still be born. His baby sister†¦.. But when Edna got as far as his baby-sister, she stretched out her arms as though the little love came flying through the air to her, and gazing at the garden, at the white sprays on the tree, at those darling pigeons blue against blue, and the Convent with its narrow windows, she realized that now at last for the first time in her life – she had never imagined any feeling like it before – she knew what it was to be in love, but – in – love!

Factors to Consider in New Product Launch

Factors to Consider in New Product Launch Marketing is the process by which customer needs are anticipated and identified. Ways are found of meeting those needs at a price that consumers are prepared to pay and which allows the business to make a profit For launching a new product we use PESTLE or SWOT strategies and let us Consider that we are launching a new chocolate product . Factors that should be consider while launching a new product i.e Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal and Environmental and the questions we should take under consideration What are the key political factors likely to affect the chocolat industry? What are the important economic factors of chocolat industry? What are the cultural aspect of chocolat industry? What are the technological innovations ? What current and impending legislation may affect the industry? What are the environmental considerations? Situational Analysis of chocolate industry and market tactics To launch a new chocolate product we must analyze the role of the marketing function in a business, we are going to follow through what might have happened in the marketing of a major new chocolate bar and the major economical , political and technological factors that affects the chocolate industries. 1. Assessing the market The market for chocolate bars is highly competitive. There are a small number of large firms in the industry Mars, Cadbury, Nestlà © and Suchard being the most well known. Many of the brands in the market have been in existence for a long time and have a high amount of brand loyalty. Openings for new products therefore, are limited. There are many examples of products that have been launched and have been withdrawn because they could not sustain long-term sales success. Can you remember the Prize Bar, Aztec and Junglies? The market for certain types of chocolate bar has changed in recent years. The growth of the so called count-line bar (shaped like Mars bars) became popular as people ate chocolate on the go as opposed to sitting down in a room with a traditional bar of chocolate. Companies had to respond to these changes. Row tree (now owned by Nestlà ©) changed the shape of their Aero bar and Cadbury brought out a rival bar called Wispa. Both of these were designed to exploit this growing market. The market is still changing but using chocolate as a snack as opposed to sharing a bar amongst a family. Giving a chocolate bar as a gift is still a growing part of that market. The UK chocolate market is the biggest in all European market. People in the United Kingdom consume more chocolate than any other Country in Europe. Mintel said the UK consumed 3.5 billion pounds ($5.6 billion) worth of chocolate in 2008, more than any other European country, with only Germany, which has more than 20 million more people, coming close at 3.4 billion pounds Some of the famous brands are: Mars ( Cadbury Schweppes ( Nestlà © ( Suchard ( Amul Chocolate Boost Club Mint In December 2009,the market research company, showed Cadburys chunk of the chocolate market by value slipped 1.7 per cent to 29.8 per cent last month, the first time that it has fallen below 30 per cent all year. Market share of Mars, its biggest rival, slipped 0.6 per cent in the period. Kraft, which makes Milka and Toblerone, increased its market share by 0.7 per cent to 5 per cent, while Nestlà © raised its share 1.2 per cent to 20.4 per cent of the market.. The market research firm estimated the British chocolate market would be worth 4.4 billion pounds by 2013 2. Identifying a gap in the market Once the market has been analyzed, it might become clear that there is a gap in the market. What this means is that, there is an identifiable customer need that is not currently being met by an existing product. It could also be where a rival might have a presence and where the company concerned believes it could offer a competitive alternative. Market research, which in many cases is on-going, will have given the business some idea of the nature of the market and the extent of the possible market. It may be that further research is used to target particular market segments that the business feels will be the ones most likely to purchase this product and what it is they want out of the product. Much of this will be used to inform the marketing mix. 3. Developing the product Quite often businesses in this particular industry want to develop a brand personality. What this means is that they will want consumers to associate something specific with the product. KitKat for example, is associated with a break, making it the perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea or coffee. The personality of the product will be in line with the market research and analysis carried out. The ingredients, the look of the product, its texture when eaten, its name and packaging, and how it will be promoted will all be key factors that will be informed by the development of the brand personality. A very good example of this process is the development of Yorkie. Yorkie was developed as a contribution to the count-line bar market. It aimed to use the concept of a chunky chocolate bar but in a different format to allow it to be eaten on the go. The key thing to emphasise was the chunky nature of the chocolate,and to do that Rowntree developed its early marketing around the length of time it would last and it being an ideal accompaniment for long journeys. The trucker image stuck and gave the bar a masculine personality. In recent years, this has been exploited with a deliberate campaign suggesting that it is so chunky it is not for girls for! 4. Product testing Once these stages are gone through, the product is likely to have to be tested. People may be given choices of different names or different packaging prototypes to see what consumer reaction are. It may be that this type of problem has been resolved at an earlier stage, in which case more substantial user testing may be used by virtue of a test-market. This may be a selected region of the country where there is a profile of users that is representative of the country as a whole. Using test markets gives relatively accurate feedback but is also much cheaper than a national launch, which might not see the product doing as well as anticipated. Remember that to feed a market, the capital investment has to be there to back it up. If the test market showed that the product was going to be very popular, the business would have to ensure that sufficient capacity was available prior to a national launch. You would certainly not want to have a product launched and people not be able to get hold of it! Image: User testing is an important aspect of marketing strategy it gives a good idea of the likely market reaction without incurring the costs of a national launch. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Media and marketing implementation Most often than not but, It is very difficult to convince a customer to buy a certain product if they do not understand the product. We need to make a strategy for marketing new product in the market so that we can achieve our target. Without a bullet proof plan to attract customers, your efforts will most likely be inefficient. we should ensure that Businesses should focus what a customer needs and what he is looking in the product .so that we can make a long term profitable customer relationship . This means that you need a plane to know customer more closely in a flexible way so that whenever need we can change our product according to our customers perceptions and demand. On the other hand, your marketing scheme should be focused on identifying and communicating the benefits of your business is offering to its target market. You will then need to monitor and maintain its effectiveness. Advertising new products Market part is an essential factor for a successful marketing strategy and if we are able to recognized the different market areas that allows a business to make fruitful and more efficient decisions in regard to advertising new quality products. This is the lock pick to understanding the different kind of needs of different types of customers. Once you have divide your market in different categorizes, you will then be able to formulate marketing activities that will ensure your targeted audience to know about the products or services you are offering and why they need them in their lives. We can achieved this through the various kind of advertising, since customer knowns what they want exactly want and motivate them,. You must have to hit your targeted audience to feel like that they must need to purchase whatever it is you are offering is the best product in the market. So that they buy our product and increase our sales How to launch new product and there strategies Gigantic changes are going on in the world and marketing strategies are no exemptions to that. Businesses should think outside the box. Observe who is doing better and try to imitate them or better yet, outwit them. It will greatly benefit your company to do market research in order to determine your potential market and make changes to your current marketing strategy. This is mainly done to draw uninterested customers to at least give your business a try. Your new product launch should make enough noise to ensure that it will remain in customers memories and entice them to really try it. With the various media available today, you can maximize your visibility by not limiting your business to one media. You can turn your company around by doing a major brand makeover. If there are not a lot of people who are buying your product or service, then perhaps its because they literally do not see you. This is not a time when businesses are allowed to sober down on marketing techniques, just because the economy is going down. Once the economy gets back on track chances are, people will no longer remember those that were not visible in the market during this time. You have to make your business a household name so people will remember you long after this global recession is over. We can use Marketing mix (4ps)strategy to launch our final product Marketing Mix (4ps ) Introduction The marketing mix principles are controllable variables which have to be carefully managed and must meet the need of the defined target group. All elements of the mix are linked and must support each other Marketing Mix Price Products Promotion Place Target Market Pricing mix Strategy It is one of the most important part of the marketing mix strategies. Pricing is a mix which generates a revenue for an organization. The remaining 3ps strategies are the output for the organization . We know that it costs to produce and design a product, promote a product and also to distribute it. Pricing is very difficult and must reflect supply, demand relationship. Pricing a product too high or too low, could mean loss of sales for the organization. The following factors should be taken into account: Objectives of the Company Fixed and variable costs of the product Target the group and their willingness to pay Competition with leading organization Proposed Positioning strategies An organization can adopt different types of pricing strategies. The pricing strategies are based on what g the goal the organization has set itself to archive Penetration Pricing We can set a low price to our product to increase the market shares and sales of the products is called penetrating pricing

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Scaffold in The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

The Scaffold in The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is characterized by three major events that occur on the town scaffold. What takes place on this platform will determine the path which the three main characters, Hester Prynne, Mr. Dimmsdale, and their daughter Pearl will follow. The three scenes mark the beginning, middle, and end of their ignominy. The scaffold is a platform where criminals are punished before all the townspeople. In this case, the criminal is Hester Prynne and the crowd has gathered to witness her shame. The first scene at the ominous platform is Hester's first public appearance with the child and the scarlet letter. Hester's husband, Roger Prynne (Chillingworth) makes a sudden reappearance and is among the onlookers. The Reverend Mr. Dimmsdale is also there but he does not stand with Hester on the scaffold, instead he stands on the balcony with those who pass judgment on her. During this time, Reverend Mr. Wilson demands that Hester give the name of her lover. He gives her the chance to "take the scarlet letter off [her] breast" if she were to "speak out his name"(64). Had she relented and revealed his name she might never have had to endure the humiliation of the scarlet letter. But she refused, and so her path was set. The second time at the scaffold was a turning point for Hester. She, Pearl, and Dimmsdale are together for the first time, "...the three formed an electric chain" as if they were always meant to be together if something, or someone, had not gotten in their way (140). But it is here that Hester finally realizes the damage which hiding Chillingworth's identity has caused Dimmsdale. Chillingworth was "a secret enemy...continually at his side, under the semblance of a friend and helper..." when in truth he was tormenting Dimmsdale at every opportunity (153). When Hester sees the miserable state that he is in, weak and "on the verge of lunacy", it leads her to later seek him out in the forest to confess the true identity of Chillingworth, which in turn leads to their plan to leave Salem. Their plans were never carried through because of another visit to

Monday, August 19, 2019

Barnsley Venue Guide :: essays research papers

Music and Arts Guide   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The following document features a variety of different venues in Barnsley, which are good for live bands or DJs. This should be of use to any unsigned band wishing to get gigs in the area. Some places might pay to have a band, others don’t. It all depends on the quality/ size of the venue and how well known you are as a band or DJ.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is Butterfield’s Bar on Market Hill, Barnsley. Tel: 01226 733854. It’s a trendy town centre bar, which serves a good range of food every day from 11am to 7pm. As far as evenings go, Wednesday is student night with two for one offers on all drinks and there is a DJ playing every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Butterfield’s also has bands playing sometimes when it is not a DJ night. Overall, It is a very clean and well-run bar.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is Bodegas Bar on Pitt Street, Barnsley. Tel 01226 210220. Website – It is a lively student pub with Pool tables, Darts, two large TV screens and cheap drinks all the time. They have live bands every Wednesday, which are usually Rock or Heavy Metal in style.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chennell’s Bar on Pitt Street Barnsley. Tel 01226 210220. A popular pub for meals and drinks due to the low prices and decent quality. The dà ©cor is old-fashioned but this is still one of the busiest pubs in town due to the friendly staff and cheap drinks. It is not really a place where bands play often; however, It would be worth a try if you could not get gigs anywhere else.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Lord Nelson on Shambles Street, Barnsley. Tel 01226 737151. A student friendly pub with cheap pints upon production of student ID. There is a quiet bar upstairs with a pool table and plenty of room for drinking and eating. Downstairs is a music bar with a dance floor, which is open every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. It is a fairly good venue with plenty of room both on the dance floor and the stage area.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Durty O’Dwyers Bar on Market Hill, Barnsley. 01226 786100.Website – An Irish theme bar with associated dà ©cor and a good food menu from 11am to 3pm daily. It is a fairly small place with live bands on Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoons. There is also a practice room upstairs for  £10.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Panama Joe’s is on Pitt Street, Barnsley.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Comparison of Wuthering Heights and Heart of Darkness Essay example -

A Comparison of Wuthering Heights and Heart of Darkness    Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights and Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness are two similar stories in the effect that they both have dual narrators and that the narrators of both are manipulated to tell stories of similar morals.   They differ, however, in the narrative frames, points of view, and some personality traits of the narrators.    The dual narrator arrangement of Wuthering Heights begins with Mr. Lockwood, the naive new tenant of Thrushcross Grange.   He seems to be quite the social person and goes to visit Heathcliff who is not so social and actually seems downright inhospitable.   Due to weather conditions at the time (which Lockwood was not wise to go out in) Lockwood becomes stranded at Wuthering Heights where he feels quite unwelcome.   While spending the night at Wuthering Heights, the curious Lockwood snoops through some books where he find things inscribed by Catherine.   He hears the voice of Catherine calling, and calls for help.   Heathcliff then runs after the girl who is not in fact a girl, but Catherine's ghost.   Heathcliff embraces this ghost and dies with her in his arms.   That pretty much sums up the narrative present and Lockwood's role as narrator.   Out of curiosity (Lockwood's most important personality trait), he asks Nelly Dean questions about Heathcliff and the girl.   At this point Nelly takes over the role of narrator and we shift into the narrative past. Nelly Dean is quite knowledgeable about Wuthering Heights and the events that transpired there; however, she is blunt and opinionated.   She does not fail to mention that he has taken a genuine interest in Heathcliff sinc... ...ts we learn about Heathcliff's character in the beginning of the story.   In Heart of Darkness we do not find out about Kurtz until the end.   In both stories, we depend greatly on the narrators to illustrate the significance of theirs lives.   While Nelly was opinionated, she was still able to illustrate the moral of the story as well as the more objective narrator, Marlow.   Heathcliff took possession of both the Grange and the Heights, but lost his true love, and Kurtz had fame, jewels, ivory and the gorgeous amazon woman, but not the love of his Intended.   The most important similarity, however, was held in common not only by the narrators but by the reader as well.   Without curiosity the story of Wuthering Heights would not have begun, Heart of Darkness would not have continued, and the reader would not have held interest in either one.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ap Language Review Essay

Chapter 1 Review Questions 1. What is invention in rhetoric? Invention in rhetoric is the process of coming up with ideas for speaking or writing. It has three appeals, ethos, logos, and pathos. 2. What is ethos? Ethos is an appeal based on the character of the speaker or writer. 3. What is logos? Logos consists of the content of the argument. It also appeals to the intellect. 4. What is pathos? Pathos appeals to the emotions of the audience. 5. How does ethos, logos, and pathos work together to persuade an audience? All three come together to persuade and audience because they appeal to the heart and the mind. People don’t make decisions with just one or the other, so this creates maximum persuasive effect. These proofs are tools for analyzing and creating effective arguments. 6. What is syllogism? Syllogism is a chain of reasoning moving from general, universal principles to specific instances. 7. What is an enthymeme? An enthymeme is a shortened syllogism. It serves the purpose of a more practical and beneficial way to argue. 8. How do you derive an enthymeme from a syllogism? To derive an enthymeme from a syllogism is to take out the universal principal and create a more practical argument. It’s basically to summarize the syllogism to the key point. 9. Why is an enthymeme more useful than a syllogism in analyzing and  constructing an argument? An enthymeme is more useful than a syllogism in analyzing and constructing arguments because an enthymeme is used in real-world argumentation. Whereas, a syllogism is used primarily in a logic course. Enthymemes, being a shortened version of a syllogism, uses an unstated principal that you can understand without it being said. Later in the argument you can address the unstated principal to support your enthymeme. 10. What is an arrangement, and why is it important in analyzing and constructing arguments? An arrangement is the order of how you present your ideas. It is important in analyzing and constructing arguments because you can’t just speak/write about something without knowing what you’re going to say. The arrangement collects your ideas and lets you put it in order. It allows you to form the best possible argument. 11. What is style? Style is choosing how to express your ideas. Contributes to the writer’s content, message, or emotional appeal. 12. What effect does style have in communicating an argument to an audience? The way the writer communicates is through their style. It appeals to the audiences emotions, it can make the message more artistic and memorable. 1. Invention in rhetoric is the process of coming up with ideas for speaking and writing, kinda like brainstorming. 2. Ethos is one of the three appeals. It is based on the character or credibility of the speaker and or writer. It’s all about making the audience trust and believe in you in a sense. You want them to feel connected to you, that they have your trust and understanding. 3. Logos is another one of the three appeals. This appeal is the content of the written or spoken message. In this appeal it’s all about reducing the problem ethically. Making the problems that they have more understandable and more logical. 4. Pathos is the last of the three appeals. Pathos is the emotional appeal to the audience by the speaker and or writer. Speakers know that people will follow their hearts more than there mind so they try to connect with them on an emotional level. Trying to  speak with passion, and emotion so people can feel the pain and understand. 5. The three proofs work together in a balance to help persuade an audience, because people use their hearts and their minds when making decisions. So when all the appeals are used together in a balance it creates a very effective argument. 6. Syllogism is a chain of reasoning. Moving from general, common principles to specific events. It’s about responding to minor things, then addressing more major premises. 7. An enthymemes is a shortened syllogism. It’s a more practical way to argue. Enthymemes are taking the common known facts out of an argument, but an argument could crumble if the audience doesn’t know or understand the fact you took out of your argument. 8. You make an enthymeme from a syllogism by taking out the universal principle. Like: Fish have gills. A tuna has gills. In conclusion a tuna is a fish. It’s a common thing to know that fish have gills, so you could leave that out of an argument when stating that a tuna is a fish. 9. An enthymeme is more useful and practical in analyzing and constructing an argument because when you analyze an argument you often look for the unstated principle that supports the enthymemes. So when constructing an argument you need to grasp the audience and make sure they have acceptance of the unstated principle. 10. Arrangement is when you know what you are going to say but you need to figure out what order you are going to put it in. It is important in analyzing and arranging arguments because if you compose an amazing argument it needs to have everything in the right arrangement or the audience and will fail to grasp your idea, without the best possible argument. 11. Style is the way you express your ideas. Every writer has a different writing style. Style can change the feel of an argument. Your style can chnage alot, the character, the view point, the content, the memories, and enhance ethos. Think of a writting stlye the way you’d think of a person’s personal fashion stlye. Everyones is different, some similar but never one hundred percent the same. All of them have a different impact. 12. Style has an effect on communicating an argument to an audience that only that one speaker can do. You could have three different speakers with the same argument topic and all three speakers would graspe the audience in different ways. All from the  style that they use.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Eye Donation

EYE DONATION- A NOBLE ACT, WITH AN ADDED RESPONSIBILITY – S BALACHANDRAN, CGM, SBT I am just watching the 200th episode of the Surya TV’s popular programme â€Å"Deal or No Deal† featuring film star Mukhesh with Sri Kochouseph, promoter and CEO of V-Guard group and Rev. Father Chirammel. It seems more than a concidence that when I sat down to pen my thoughts on Organ donation, specially Eye-donation, this episode is playing on my Television set.More than his entrepreneurial skill and management acumen Sri Kochouseph has been a personality for whom I have immense admiration on account of his rare humanitarian act a few years back when he donated a kidney for a needy patient and thus gave a new meaning and dimension to the much sullied and murky field of organ donation. Rev Father Chirammel was the person who prompted Sri Kochouseph to do this noble act. I am sure, the act of Sri Kochouseph would have sent out a message that one can be a donor of an organ without a ny fear of one’s own health and as a pure act of philanthropy.I am sure more and more people , healthy people, would come forward to be donors without any monetary consideration. This reminds me of the supreme act of compassion shown by the doctor-couple fromTrichy a few years back. Their only son, was fatally involved in a motor accident on the Chennai highway. The parents rushed to the spot on hearing the news, only to see their only child, a son who they thiught would continue their noble profession, was in an almost critical state, with all symptoms ofan impending brain death.The couple were flooded with phone calls from friends who offered the best of treatment if the boy could be brought to Chennai. Fully equipped ambulance was ready to carry out the job. The couple with prayers on their lips and dwindling hope in their hearts, accompanied the injured son in the vehicle, on its one hour journey. But the boy couldnot complete the journey and his brain switched off enrout e. That was a moment when any parent would stop behaving rationally or with balance.Yet it was the mother who held her mind and suggested to her husband that they hurry with the body to the nearest best hospital, so that all the vital organs of the body could be salvaged and donated to needy persons. The husband did the rest by phoning up his friends anout their decision and requesting them to make arrangements for the extraction of the vital organs from their son’s body and arranging to locate needy recepients .Cutting the long story short, today, this doctor-parents live with the satisfaction of their son still living through the four lives whom he saved in his death. The celstial level of their magnanimity is fit to be lauded in golden words. It is special persons like Sri Kochouseph and the doctors who inspire me. Of the ever increasing throng of persons needing oirgan transplants, it is the persons with Corneal blindness, who toip the list.I rememebr having read that in India there are over 5 milion persons with this type of blindness, which can be cured if they can get suitable donors, in time. The easiest part of eye donation is that the donor can pledge to donate his eyes and the actual donation needs to be done only on the death of the donor. Having been a compulsive, voluntary blood donor ever since I reached the age of 19, I was much pained, when, in 2002 I was advised that I could no longer donate blood since I was hypertensive.I had to cry a halt to my unbroken saga of 62 blood donations for 31 years. It was then that I decided to donate my eyes on my death. The only prayer I have today is that my eyes should be worthy of use at that time. This adds a major responsibility on me to keep my self safe from ailments that would affect the usability of my eyes. If my daily prayers include a wish to protect me from debilitating ailments, it is more to protect my eyes for whoever the recepient could be†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Did America become more intolerant during the 1920’s Essay

America is the most powerful country in the world and prides itself in being a ‘melting pot’ of different cultures but has that always been true of America. I would like to argue that during the 1920’s America became less tolerant of anything Un-American. I would like to mention immigration policy, the Ku Klux Klan, political hysteria and Religious intolerance. Before 1917 America had an ‘open door’ policy toward immigration but thousands of immigrants were pouring in from eastern European, Asian, and African countries which the WASPS (White Anglo Saxon Protestants), who had power at the time, didn’t want in America. After 1917 a literacy test was introduced so all immigrants had to be able to read and write in English to be allowed in to the country which discriminated against non English speaking countries and poorer countries where people couldn’t afford to learn English, and so the ‘open door’ began to close. In 1921 the amount of immigrants was still a major problem to the WASPS and the immigration quota act was introduced that only allowed three hundred and fifty seven thousand immigrants into the USA each year. It also stated the amount of people emigrating from a particular country should not exceed three percent of the number of people from that country already living in America in 1910. This system also discriminated against countries undesirable to the WASPS since they had the smallest population already living in America in 1910. The ‘open door’ closed further in 1924 when the amount of immigrants allowed into America was reduced to two percent of the population in 1890 and in 1929 when the total number of immigrants from any country was reduced to one hundred and fifty thousand people from any country to be allowed into America per year. The purpose of these laws was to protect the interests of the WASPS already in America who held power at the time but feared losing it to opposing groups such as Jews, Catholics, Blacks, Communists and anarchists. Another way America was becoming more intolerant during the 1920’s was through the Ku Klux Klan, an organisation founded by a Texan dentist named Hiram Wesley Evans and its main aim was to protect white supremacy and the interests of the WASPS. During the 1920’s when racial and political intolerance was at a peak membership rocketed to 5 million. The Klan was strongest in the southern states, which had previously been the slave states, and hatred for the blacks was heightened as whites and blacks were now competing for jobs, houses and land. The clan put its views across using extreme violence, for instance, should a black man get a job over a white man the white man would have a word with the Klan, the Klan would pay the black man a visit and the next day the black man would resign so the white man could have the job, in other cases the Klan would organise lynchings where mobs would roam the streets looking for a disliked ethnic minority person to beat up and possibly kill. Membership of the Klan was limited to American WASPS and no other ethnic groups could join. Another aspect of American intolerance was fear of revolution or ‘Red scare.’ In 1920 approximately 150,000 Americans had communist or anarchist views which represented 0.1 percent of the population of America but many Americans feared communist or anarchist revolution more than anything else. Communism and anarchy were feared so as: communist and anarchist extremists were seen to arrange trade union demonstrations which were described by the papers as communist demonstrations, an anarchist shot president McKinley dead twenty years previously, Russia had become a communist country in 1917 and the Palmer incident of 1920. In June 1920 an unidentified man left a bomb outside the house of the attorney general, A Mitchell Palmer which resulted in the death of the bomber. The attack was presumed to be a communist assassination attempt due to a copy of a communist newspaper being found in the vicinity of the blast, which may have been discarded there innocently or planted by Palmer to use the attack to stir up hatred for communists who were regarded as a threat to the American constitution and the WASPS in general. The attack resulted in A Mitchell Palmer heading raids on communists and anarchists that resulted in six thousand arrests and only two prosecutions for firearms offences. Another cause of political intolerance in the 1920’s was the case of Sacco and Vanzetti. Sacco and Vanzetti were charged with a wages robbery in which two guards were shot dead. Sacco and Vanzetti were both recent immigrants from Italy, neither spoke very good English, both were carrying loaded guns when arrested (although this is no crime in the USA even today) and most importantly both harboured anarchist views. Both men were put on trial with a highly biased Judge and a jury made up of WASPS, who in general disliked Anarchists and anything un-American. The evidence for the defence of Sacco and Vanzetti far outweighed the evidence against them and the prosecution even used the fact that Sacco was carrying an anarchist leaflet at the time of arrest against them. Even though Sacco and Vanzetti were probably innocent the jury found them guilty and the pair were executed on the twenty fourth of August 1927. The final aspect of American intolerance in the 1920’s I am going to write about is religious intolerance. Throughout the 1920’s church attendance across America was falling, especially on the urban areas. This worried many religious Americans and some of the more extreme people founded revivalist groups with the aim of getting American people back into the church. A prime example of an extreme revivalist and probably one of the most famous was ‘Sister’ Aimee Semple McPherson. Sister Aimee was head of the ‘Four square gospel alliance’ and she often led services of over five thousand people dressed as an angel and beating time to the hymns on a tambourine. Sister Aimee used the frenzy created during her sermons to make the incurable think they were cured and walk out of wheelchairs and leave crutches behind. Sister Aimee became a millionaire from collections taken during her services. Many Americans also became intolerant to non-American religious views such as Darwin’s theory of evolution. Darwin’s theory of evolution says that humans evolved from apes over millions of years and the bible states that the world was created in 4004 BC by god in six days. Darwin’s theory had caused great controversy in the mid-nineteenth century and was generally accepted across the board but as intolerance grew in the 1920’s people began to doubt this theory and the old arguments flared up again. In 1924 strong fundamentalists (who were against Darwin’s theory) set up the anti-evolution league with the aim of making it illegal to teach the theory of evolution. Even though the idea seems somewhat farfetched the anti evolution league succeeded in six states. In Dayton, Tennessee two teachers, Johnny Scopes and his college decided to put the new law to test and for Johnny Scopes to teach the theory of evolution to his class and his college to sue him for breach of the law. Johnny Scopes taught his class the theory of evolution and was subsequently arrested and put on trial. The two sides hijacked the trial and it became Christian fundamentalism on trail rather than Johnny Scopes. Benefactors from both sides of the argument hired two of the best lawyers in America to fight the ‘Monkey trial’ (as the press called it). During the trial the defence lawyer questioned the prosecution lawyer on flaws in the biblical theory he couldn’t explain to which the prosecution lawyer replied, â€Å"I am not satisfied by any evidence I have seen.† The questioning continued like this until the press began making fun of the prosecution lawyer and the judge put a stop to it. Johnny Scopes was found guilty of breaking the law and fined one hundred dollars. These are the main reasons for which I believe the United States of America was becoming more intolerant during the 1920’s. I particularly believe the American immigration policy, the Ku Klux Klan and the Red Scare contributed greatly to the views of many Americans and all the intolerance was down to the selfishness of the WASPS who wanted to protect their own supremacy, wealth, beliefs and interests.