Wednesday, July 31, 2019


1. Sloth-Patrick Sloth is the sin of laziness, or unwillingess to act. Obviously this is Patrick. He lays under a rock all the time and doesn't really do anything. In fact in the episode â€Å"Big Pink Loser† he got an award for doing nothing the longest. 2. Wrath-Squidward Wrath involves feelings of hatred and anger. Squidward hates his life, usually hates SpongeBob, and is pretty much angry most of the time. 3. Greed-Mr. Krabs Obviously Mr. Krabs is greedy and desires money. How could Greed not be Krabs? He actually sang about the power of greed in â€Å"Selling Out†. 4. Envy-Plankton Plankton is envious of Mr.Krabs because The Krusty Krab is a success while The Chum Bucket is a failure. His envy drives him to try to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula. 5. Glutony-Gary I actually think this one is pretty funny. Did you ever notice the running gag in Spongebob where they say â€Å"don't forget to feed Gary† or Sponge says â€Å"I gotta go feed Gary†. Ga ry even ran away that time when SpongeBob forgot to feed him. Glutony usually refers to the overindulgence of food so I'm guessing this one fits him pretty well. 6. Pride-Sandy Sandy takes a lot of pride in who she is and where she comes from.She takes pride in the fact that she is from Texas and likes to let everyone know it. She also takes pride in the fact that she is a mammal and a land creature, like in the episode â€Å"Pressure† where she tried to prove land critters were better than sea critters. 7. Lust-SpongeBob Ok, I know what your thinking. It does seem a little weird and curious at first but I have given it a lot of thought. Lust in one definition is â€Å"excessive love of others†. I think this one works best for Spongebob. He shows his love of others with his overeagerness to do good and help people.If anything is true about SpongeBob its that he loves everyone around him, even if they don't exactly love him back. 1. Greed (Mr. Krabs) – this is by far the most obvious comparison that can be made. The avarice of Eugene Krabs is made painfully clear throughout the series. He is constantly thinking of ways to turn a profit, even if it involves taking advantage of his friends or putting them in harmful situations! In one episode, he sings a song called â€Å"If I Could Talk to Money†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ and there’s even a wiki page devoted to compiling all of his greedy plans! 2. Envy (Plankton) – another no brainer.With all of Krabs’ wealth and good fortune, there has been an equal amount of hard luck and failure for his archrival, Sheldon Plankton. Plankton owns a struggling restaurant called â€Å"The Chum Bucket† and is consumed with the desire to achieve the success of his adversary. His life’s goal is to steal the Krabby Patty formula from his Krabs and drive his primary competitor out of business. 3. Sloth (Patrick) – the guy lives under a rock for crying out loud! If that isn’t enough to convince you, in the episode â€Å"Big Pink Loser†Patrick is given an award for ‘doing absolutely nothing longer than anyone else’.He then proceeds go back under his rock to protect his title. 4. Pride (Sandy) – the fact that Sandy Cheeks is from Texas alone should almost suffice for this one. She is a squirrel that is very proud of her heritage, so much so that in one episode she nearly moved back home! Sandy also takes a great deal of satisfaction in being the only land critter living down in Bikini Bottom among all the fishy folk. Though generally a good-natured individual, Sandy is quick to spout off about the greatness of the Lone Star state or to show off her athleticism in a karate match or a weightlifting contest. . Wrath (Squidward) – Squidward Tentacles has no qualms about expressing his negative outlook on life, whether it be by describing how much he hates his job at the Krusty Krab or through outward disdain for his two obnoxi ous neighbors. He is portrayed as a general failure who refuses to acknowledge his own personal flaws. This constant self-denial manifests itself in a sarcastic sense of humor and resentment toward the society that doesn’t ‘appreciate’ his creativity and clarinet†¦ erm†¦ †skills†. 6. Gluttony (Gary) – now this one’s a bit trickier.Those who have watched a great deal of the series will have noticed a number of jokes about Spongebob having to remember to feed his pet snail. To be honest, Gary doesn’t do a whole lot besides eating and meowing, and the meowing is often due to the fact that he is hungry. Once when Spongebob hadn’t fed his pet, Gary is shown eating parts of their couch! In another episode, Gary runs away from home because Spongebob forgot to feed him for a while. Another time when Spongebob had amnesia, Gary ate a year’s supply of snail food and became morbidly obese!This proves beyond a doubt th at when left to his own devices, Gary would rather do nothing but eat. 7. Lust (Spongebob) – our final analogy is probably the least apparent because we typically think of ‘lust’ in a sexual sense. However, the alternative definition for lust is simply â€Å"a passionate desire for something†. In this sense of the word, it cannot be denied that our absorbent yellow friend is an extremely lustful creature. Spongebob has a lust for life that is incomparable to most other cartoon characters – he yearns for the affections of both friend and foe alike, is eager to please, and will often stop at nothing to complete a task.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Process of judging

Software estimation is the first phase of project planning and it is the process of judging a software product and solving the problem associated with the software project. We follow some important steps to achieve reliable cost and effort estimates. Explain the different estimation models and estimation techniques. [a. Explaining different estimation models b. Explaining estimation techniques] 3. A. You are a SCM manager in a software company. How will you establish a software configuration management process in a company? B.You are appointed as a software developer in a software company and you have been asked by your project manager to check details of the bugs from the previous version. How will you gather details associated with the various bugs in the previous version? [a. Definition and explaining 4 procedures in software configuration management process b. Definition and explaining typical work cycle] 4. A. If you are a software engineer you must be expert in the field of sof tware, hardware and also database. It has been listed by the industry professionals that time and effort are the most important factors in the system analysis stage.Suppose the employee name, employee id, designation, salary, attendance and address of any employee has to be stored in a database. You can store these data in sequential address book or it can be stored on a hard disk, using a computer and software like Microsoft Excel. Using this example define a database. List and explain the various procedures carried on in a DB'S with a detailed example of the database. [defining a database Listing the 3 procedures Explanation One examples for each of them] 2. Level 2 cache has got higher latency than Level 1 by 2 times to 10 times in 512 JIB or more.Normally you can draw a diagram and show the relation. These diagrams are called entity-relationship diagram in which book is one entity, author is one entity, and the relationship that exists between the two entities is written. Likewi se explain the various notations used to represent the ERE diagram. [listing the notations with diagrams explaining each one of them in one line with example each 5. Consider any database of your choice (may be simple banking database/ forecasting database/project management database).Show the deduction of the tables in your database to the different types of normal forms [Choosing a proper database Explaining the 5 normal forms with respect to the database chosen] 6. Read the following case study thoroughly and answer the following questions: Laxly bank is one of the largest private sector banks of India. It has an extensive network of more than 200 branches. It offers banking services to retail as well as corporate clients. The bank faced a challenge in integrating multi-pronged database management system into a centralized system.The IT department of the bank also realized that the computing capabilities of its PC's and servers were not proportionately distributed among all its b ranches. Each branch had its database management system stored in a traditional way on the disk. The total cost of operating and maintaining the current IT infrastructure was very high and the fundamental shortcomings added to the costs. Moreover, there were also recurrent problems due to the malfunctioning of the currently operational database management system. Therefore, the banks top management decided to fix the problem and operational a robust database management system.The bank hired an external database technology consulting firm called SAPPY Info systems Limited. SAPPY divided the entire IT infrastructure of the bank around two verticals. The retail banking vertical and the corporate banking vertical. All the individual database servers from the individual branches were removed. The entire database system was made virtual such that the managers and he staff can access only the required information (related to retail banking or corporate banking) from the respective centrali zed data centers.There were only two such centralized data centers (one for retail banking and another for corporate banking) that were managed centrally. Staff and managers could access the information through their PC's and laptops. Centralized database management system complemented the security system by bringing in authentication through a unified ID management server. Managers and officers of the bank were able to process half a million transactions per month in real time after the new implementation. There were significant savings in the cost and also in the consumption of power.

Call of the Wild Book

Similarities Buck lives in Judges Millers estate at the beginning of both the book and the movie. He is then kidnapped by Manuel, the gardener. He is sold to dog salesmen heading to Alaska. He is disciplined by the Law of Club and Fang. The man in the red sweater takes Buck out of the cage and repeatedly beats him. Buck continues to try to attack until he is to week to fight. He then learns the law of Club and Fang. Buck is sold and put on a sled team. He learns to dig a hole in the snow to stay warm. He has a fierce rivalry with the lead dog Spitz.Spitz then kills one of Buck’s best friends Curly by ripping Curly’s face up. Buck ends up having multiple fights with Spitz. One of which where Spitz takes Buck sleeping hole and tries to keep it. Spitz gets whipped and sent back to his own hole. Buck and Spits end up in a fight in which Buck is determined to kill Spitz and end the rivalry for good. He then does what he was determined to do and kills Spitz. Buck then takes t he lead dog position and gains trust from his team. The team is then taken over by Hal, Charles, and Mercedes.They are amateur sled runners and don’t quite know what they are doing. They end up shooting a dog (Dave), because he was too weak to go on. Buck then leads the team into John Thornton’s little camp setup. Hal was advised by John not to go across the ice but he decides to do it anyway. Hal starts beating Buck and John Thornton threatens to kill him with his rifle. John then takes Buck to be his own. They all fall through, including the team. They are killed and John takes care of Buck, the only survivor. Buck then saves john Thornton’s life a couple times.John and Buck develop a special bond. John decides to search for gold. Buck is in part of a bet made by john Thornton that says he can pull a sled with a fairly large amount of weight. Buck then shocks everybody and pulls the sled 100 yards and wins John Thornton $1000 ($1600 in the book). John is out i n the search of gold. He comes across a Yeehat tribe and builds up hate for them. Buck scares away the Yeehats once. They the com back later and kill John Thornton by shooting him with a bow and arrow. Buck then kills multiple Yeehats out of anger.He is then left with the decision to live by himself in the wild. Differences In the movie, Buck was never sold to Francois and Perrault. He was never a part of their team and he did not steal any bacon from Francois. In the movie, Buck started out going to John Thornton’s team, stolen by Black Burtons bandits, claimed by a dog auctioneer, sold to Hal and his crew, brought across Johns Thornton’s camp and is returned to him. Buck was never sold from Francois and Perrault to a Scotch half-breed man that was very hairy.It did not tell the names of other dogs in the movie. In my eyes, the movie portrayed John Thornton’s friend, Pete, more than in the book. In the movie John Thornton is attracted to a girl at a bar. A man named Black Burton doesn’t like John so he has his team stolen by some of his thugs. They then take the team to a town. On the way a man falls down a hill and is killed. When the dogs get to the town, the only guy left on the sled is frozen solid and killed. A man then claims the dogs on the spot and auctions them off to Hal, Charles, and Mercedes.They plan to take the team to Dawson city (where John Thornton is). On the way a dog (Dave) is shot by Hal because he can’t go on. They come across John Thornton’s camp. John takes Buck back and the others drowned. John then takes more care of buck and heals him up. The book stated that Buck had killed a Moose by wearing it out and then attacking it. That never happened in the movie. In the book, Mad Dolly was a dog that raged and tried to kill Buck. The movie showed Mad Dolly as a horse. The movie shows more dialect and perspective of john Thornton rather than Buck.It made the movie almost more about John than it did about Buck. John and Buck found a cabin in the woods that had a gun in it that said E. K. W. on it. That wasn’t in the book. Because of all of the similarities and differences that I have written, I believe that the book was way better than the movie. The movies didn’t have much anything that was the same in the book. The worst part was that it left me guessing about who E. K. W. was. It didn’t even give a hint about who he or she was. That should not ever happen in a movie.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Globalization - Essay Example To justify his claims on the benefits of globalization, the author made use of quantitative data such as reports published by the World Bank and UNDP. The first data cited by the author is the one made by World Bank in 2002 citing that countries that integrated with the world market have experienced rapid growth in terms of GDP ( Wolf p512 ). Similarly, the author also supported this argument by citing the 2003 Human Development Report from UNDP that certain east Asian countries experienced remarkable GDP growth ( p. 511 ). Aside from the secondary data that the author used, he also drew examples from his own first-hand experience as senior divisional economist of World Bank in India during the 70’s. He himself has witnessed the effect of globalization to the standards of living of the people in India. The author tried to present a balanced view of the advantages of globalization not just by citing China but by explaining the growth of even â€Å"hopeless† countries suc h as Bangladesh ( Wolf p.514). The important part of the article dwells on his arguments on why economic integration was not successful in some countries. The author mentioned the interplay of endowments ( natural resources ), institutions ( government ), and policies as obstacles to a country’s development ( Wolfe p 514 ) . The arguments were compelling since he cited Gunnar Myrdal’s theory on underdevelopment regarding â€Å"soft states† or countries that lack political will as manifested by rampant corruption. Consequently, Wolf also linked this factor to the endowment of natural resources as cause of conflicts within since this â€Å"curse resources â€Å" provoke civil wars as in the case of most African states which I disagree with since culture and lack of education may have created this kind of socio-political environment. Lastly, he also cited the importance of choosing the right economic

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Program Evaluation Paper Part 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Program Evaluation Paper Part 3 - Essay Example If a kid weighs 40.55 pounds, this weight figure will be rounded off to the nearest tenth of a pound, which will make the childs weight as 40.6 pounds. If the child had weighed 40.54 pounds, then the weight measurement will be recorded as 40.5 pounds. This is an example of how data collection can influence the program evaluation plan by making the collection of kids measurements easier to do but without compromising its accuracy. The program evaluation itself is a mixed method, meaning it will use both quantitative and qualitative ways of gathering the data. Getting the exact weight measurements of the kids is part of the qualitative process of data gathering while using open-ended surveys in the form of a questionnaire will form the qualitative part of the data collection process. For this part of the data collection which is the qualitative part, it is important that the observations by parents and teachers are made honestly and describes in full detail what they had observed in the kids behavior. If they found out kids are more active after eating their fruits, for example, then it must be described in a meaningful way such as using an increasing scale, with 1 as the lowest and 10 as the highest so this will give the researchers a good idea of how active they were. The programs overall integrity will be evaluated based on the way data is collected and how reliable the data will be. This will greatly determine whether the program is a good one or needs some revisions based on the difficulty or ease of getting all the necessary data. It is at this point when the programs researchers can have a good idea on the probable outcome of their research project because data collection is the very heart of the research study itself. It will determine whether the entire project will be successful or not because on implementation aspects of the program such as the aforementioned data collection procedures. A strength of the data collection process is its

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Exam 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Exam 2 - Coursework Example A targets previous cash flows are typically an accurate indicator of future cash flows, especially when the targets cash flows would have to be converted into the acquirers home currency as they are remitted to the parent. An international acquisition may be preferable to the establishment of a new subsidiary because the firm can immediately expand its international business and benefit from existing customer relationships. Assume a U.S. firm initiates direct foreign investment in the U.K. If the British pound is expected to appreciate against the dollar, the dollar value of earnings remitted to the parent should ____. The parent may request that the subsidiary ____ in order to benefit from the expectation about the pound. Consider Firm A and Firm B that both produce the same product. Firm A would more likely have more stable cash flows if its percentage of foreign sales were ____ and the number of foreign countries it sold products to was

Friday, July 26, 2019

Housing policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Housing policy - Essay Example From the graphical representation, it is noticed that US real estate business was highly affected due to the financial crisis. What originated as a crisis in the US housing and mortgage markets; had infected other sectors and spread globally. The financial troubles that the worldwide economies face today came on the heels of two bubbles, one in the housing market and the other one in the credit markets. A plethora of several dissimilar factors added to the housing market bubble and also those tangled with the credit market bubble. The inflating of the housing bubble can be considered by home sales and home prices. Housing sales and prices had been rising at a quick speed since the early-mid 1990s, until the recession began in 2006 - 2007. Several household transactions indices have turned down from 10 % to 30 % worldwide and by as much as 40% or further in certain markets. Still the additional reserved losses in household worth turn out to be more important when an individual believes how household procurement is financed. Since housing sector is extremely leveraged, a preliminary 20% equity stake in a household, acquired over the most recent years have been in all possibility wiped out. Therefore, the perception that household ownership is a better source of revenue of wealth gathering has been a thoroughly misleading thought (Bardhan & Et. Al., â€Å"The Housing Problem and the Economic Crisis: A Review and Evaluation of Policy Prescriptions†). The subprime crisis crashed household dwellers financially which included both owners as well as renters. Proprietors with no mortgage debt were probable to be in the slightest susceptible situation, although if they had designed to comprehend their asset gains, these had lost the worth. Of the 112 million household units in the US, there were 75.5 million landlords engaged in 2007. Of these, 23.9 million houses were mortgage free that tentamounted to lesser than 1/3 of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ethical Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethical Issue - Essay Example astically, or placing heavy import duties on raw materials essential for a company to prosper, the public looks at ways to save themselves and their insecurities, and the way to do that is to elevate corruption, thereby, the government is being held responsible for this atrocity(Eiras, 2003). The author has also used some of her own secondary research in the form of comparative qualitative charts, a couple of which are as follows: Dr. Dragoljub Kavran and Dr. Sherman M. Wyman, spokespersons for the UNO have raised superb questions about the issue at hand. The authors state that corruption is above even the harshest levels in many developing and under developed economies; mostly, the authors blame the poor political and legal systems for these circumstances, the author also blames politicians who use their own laws for personal benefits rather than those of the populace. This issue has reached far out of hand and even some of the most developed economies such as the UAE and the US face diminutive levels of corruption. Within this 20 page whitepaper, the authors have raised the issue of ‘patience’, or in this particular situation: The wait-and-watch experimentation scenario. The authors believe the within such weak economic conditions, corruption may also be seen as a way to overcome several problems faced by the economies within under developed countries, but this is a commonly rejected principle and the fact still persists which looks at corruption as an evil element. (Kavran, et al., N.D.) Even though this article is inclusive of rich content about the public service organization Ethics resource center, this also includes the chief ethical issues about the corruption problem within Dubai. The chief ethical issue is ‘ignorance’, â€Å"If you are a deputy minister you dont it see as a problem to purchase from a dealer that could be your cousin† (Stier, 2007), this context from the authors article explains it all, the politicians must understand their

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cultural studies project on Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultural studies project on Media - Essay Example "The King of Queens" is an Emmy nominated series that ran from 1998 to 2007. It showcases the life of blue-collar couple Doug and Carrie Heffman, as they struggle with work and other issues. "Ugly Betty" is particularly interesting because it represents the stereotypical migrant Mexican family, struggling to make ends meet in America. Betty was born of and lives with her poor but upright family, which comprises of her father, her older sister and her young, gay nephew. They are not the typical working class family for a variety of reasons. While in most cases, working class families are portrayed as scrupulous and scheming, Betty's family, most especially her father (whose values Betty tries to take after) are the paragons of morality in the show. Setting them against the high-paced, cruel fashion world where Betty works, they end up solving most of their problems and the problems of those around them, often without compromising their values. Also, Betty's family stays intact and loving amidst all of the drama. Usually, when a working class family is the subject of a television show, internal conflicts and uber-dramatic exits and falling outs within the family is the main drive of the story.

Privitization of CPB corporation for public broadcasting Essay

Privitization of CPB corporation for public broadcasting - Essay Example The value of science is being perverted and skepticism is more attractive to human mind (White, 1999). Feelings and emotions are prioritized and knowledge is considered irrelevant. Under fascism, some people even scholars consider theory is irrelevant but theory informs good practice and sustainable application (Tompkins, 2005). Theory represents foundation of good practices. Everyday, we are being bombarded with news of celebritization and marketization of goods and services. Too often, all the marketing and advertising serve only as an enticement to attract buyers and hence, the companies will earn higher profits as more and more people buy the products. So is the case of privatization. According to the market, privatization is the solution to public inefficiency but there is no apparent evidence that public sector is inefficient (Rosen, Boothe, Dhalby & Smith, 1999). Indeed, privatization has nothing to do with efficiency. On the contrary, privatization is to transfer public control and ownership of public resources to private sector (Shafritz & Russell, 2000; Guislain, 1997); to change the structure of the economy and the state; to internationalize the economy; to change the role of the state; and to reorganize a new system of a state and economy (Guislain, 1997). We are living under fascism with elite governance that rules by money, cost saving, and beyond democratic accountability (Shafritz & Russell, 2000). One that preaches anti corruption but foster competition while competition creates radical evil (Grenberg, 2005) and fraud, and kept alive by lies that are magnified by the media such as Thierer (1999) argued, in support to the privatization of Corporation of Public Broadcasting, â€Å"the public feel the CPB has performed, its mission is obsolete and redundant today. There now exists an endless variety of high-quality channels with entertainment, informational, and educational programs that do not rely on public funding to bring quality shows to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Health Care Spending Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health Care Spending - Essay Example Yet the citizens of these countries do have insurance that is provided by the government. Health Insurance Cost (2004) also states that "the average employee contribution to company-provided health insurance has increased more than 143 percent since 2000. Average out-of-pocket costs for deductibles, co-payments for medications, and co-insurance for physician and hospital visits rose 115 percent during the same period." The United States, with it wealth, education, technology, and power seems not to have a grasp on its health care spending as it spends twice as much pr capita and yet does not provide what other countries offer to their citizens. Increased health spending is causing many U.S. citizens to have no health insurance as the costs affect care that is offered to patients, public health programs, services provided in the home, etc. Due to these reasons, there is a larger gap between those who are considered the "haves" and the "have-nots". The increased costs, which affects patient care and services, programs offered to the public, in-home care, larger gaps between those who have and those who do not, etc. Yet on the other hand, it is the "what comes first the chicken or the egg" syndrome. Many believe that the reason the costs are so astounding is due to the outrageous prices charged by doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and other health care service providers. Some people believe that the United States offers the world's best health care system. However, being the most expensive system does not Health Care Spending 3 necessarily mean that it is the best. The U.S. Health Care System (2001) states that there, "42.6 million people in the U.S. currently without health insurance" Anderson (2004) suggests reasons why the spending in the U.S. is so high: These include greater use of medical services, greater administrative complexity in the U.S. health care system, increasing age of the U.S. population, threat of malpractice litigation, defensive medicine, the lack of waiting lists in the United States and higher incomes in the United States. None of these factors explain a large portion of the difference between health spending in the United States and other industrialized countries. Perhaps most surprising to many health care experts and certainly to the lay public is the fact that the United States has fewer hospital days per capita, fewer physician visits per capita, fewer MRIs and CT scanners s than the average industrialized country. The person in the United States is simply not receiving more medical care than people in many industrialized countries. The major reason why the United States spends so much on health care is that the U.S. residents pay two to three times more for hospital services, physician services and drugs tha n residents in other industrialized countries. These are the areas in which spending can be cut. It is suggested that corporations and industries refuse to pay more than what the Medicare program pays. Statistics show that the private sector pays an average of 10-20% more than Medicare. If industries refuse to pay the higher prices and negotiate lower medical and health care costs, this will reduce what individuals have to pay and will encourage Medicare to push for even lower prices. The government can also provide health Health Care

Monday, July 22, 2019

Charles Keith Essay Example for Free

Charles Keith Essay Charles Keith is a Singaporean shoe brand that dedicated itself to â€Å"trendy shoppers†, driven by attention to product design and the larger picture of fashion trends to deliver distinctive, fashion forward styles at a fast pace. Positioned as having an attitude that â€Å"exudes style and confidence†, CharlesKeith offers a wide range of shoes, bags, and accessories at affordable prices. ECONOMICS (PESTEL HK) High economic freedom Hong Kong is well known as one of the world’s best shopping place, from products at reasonable price until luxury goods 1. 9 billion GDP and $52,722 PPP per capita Inflation very stabilize – 4.3% (CPI) The value of retail sales shows great number Hong Kong as a global free port and financial hub continues to be consistent on the free flow of goods, services, and capital. With an efficient regulatory structure, sophisticated capital markets, and simple and low taxation, Hong Kong continues to offer the most convenient platform for international companies doing business on the country. Hong Kong is a very strategic market for CharlesKeith because of their popularity as one of worlds’ best shopping place. Hong Kong offers world class quality shopping experience; therefore this is a very big opportunity for a fashion brand like CharlesKeith to increase their sales. High GDP per capita (PPP) and the stabilize inflation in Hong Kong widen the possibility for CharlesKeith to survive in the highly competitive fashion brands, as CharlesKeith also offers good quality products at the reasonable price. Moreover, retail sales in Hong Kong are showing great numbers of value, makes Hong Kong even better as CharlesKeith market target.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Development of Electronic Government Policy

Development of Electronic Government Policy 1. INTRODUCTION This paper discusses policy implementation in order to explain the development of electronic government policy in the Local Government in Great Britain. In order to do this, the paper firstly provides a brief description of electronic government. This is followed by a discussion of policy implementations and its relevance in local government to e-government, as well as the analysis of the key features and roles of implementation. Finally, the paper discusses British effort to implement e-government at the local level. 2. E-GOVERNMENT E-government is a notion that has revolutionised bureaucracy and the way governments function in the twenty first century. E-Government is an approach dealing with the development of online services such as e-tax. E-government is also responsible for many innovations and improvements in the early years such as e-transportation and e-health. There are clear associations between the goals of the modernisation agenda and that of the electronic government agenda. For example, within an expected national policy for electronic government in England, the term electronic government is currently described as â€Å"exploiting the power of information and communications technology to help transform the accessibility, quality and cost-effectiveness of public services, and to help revitalise the relationship between customers and citizens and public bodies who work on their behalf† (Local Government Association 2002:XXX). 3. POLICY IMPLEMENTATION AND ITS RELEVANCE It has been claimed that the implementation of local e-government is perhaps the most diverse and complex change programme ever undertaken by local government (The Economist 2006). The process touches all public services, from social services to housing and from education to street cleansing, and every single department of local government. As a plan for change, it entails innovations in structures, processes, working practices and corporate cultures. Therefore, it has an effect on everybody who is a part of the local government including elected members, staff, citizens and local businesses. Furthermore, local electronic government is not just a matter for local authorities, as it extends to a wide range of other local agencies. This necessitates the general partnership and successful management. The transformation from plan to implementation entails the organisation of capital, and current effort in processual studies of change have accentuated on the administration of organisational politics and the implementation of power. Resources not only include money, staff time and technological infrastructure, but also leadership, relevant skills and competencies (McLoughlin Cornford 2006). 4. KEY FEATURES AND ROLES The attainment of e-government is of strategic importance for local governments. According to Murray (2005), the key features for implementing electronic government are informatics planning, informatics management, informatics development, customer chain, internal value chain, supply chain and electronic community. Informatics planning considers information audit and standardisation, process mapping and design, authority strategy and modernisation, informatics strategy, risk assessment and cost–benefit analysis. Informatics management considers the management matters that are important for the execution of the electronic government agenda, including electronic championing, the form of electronic government organisation and the nature of any benchmarking exercise conducted or planned. Informatics development reflects on the existence of a clear plan for improvement. It does this by reflection on resource matters and whether an audit of appropriate skills had been performed. Key enablers for sustaining the customer chain consist of customer relationship management, the state of the citizen WWW site, examination of whether electronic democracy has been considered and what attention has been paid to the provision of the full range of future access mechanisms and channels. Internal value chain refers to the state of the current information systems. In regards to information systems architecture the apprehension is with the integration and interoperability of information systems as well as the integration with external standards and systems. Considering IT architecture, the significant technology enablers are knowledge management, document management, content management and intranets. Enablers for the supply chain contain the existence of any extranets, evidence of tale working and plans for the implementation of electronic procurement. Electronic community pays attention to the degree to which stakeholders have provided advice on electronic service delivery as well as the form of business planning employed and the existence of any form of electronic community strategy. 5. IMPLEMENTATION OF E-GOVERNMENT IN BRITAIN The current e-government strategy in Britain is based upon e-government targets set in the 1999 Modernising Government White Paper. At the heart of this strategy is the belief that government services should be available continuously and not just during conventional working hours. Consequently, the White Paper established targets that 50 per cent of dealings with the public sector should be capable of electronic delivery by 2005 and 100 per cent by 2008 (Cabinet Office 1999). These targets were revised by a subsequent strategy statement from the newly created OeE to involve 50 per cent by 2002 and 100 per cent by 2005 (Office of the e-Envoy 2000). The targets are not restricted to central government departments or agencies but cover the entire public sector, including local authorities. Indeed, as the primary location of most day-to-day services, local government is seen as being central to the delivery of the information age strategy. According to Eiffert and Puschel (2004), the num ber of transactions involved in local government vastly exceeds those of the rest of central government put together. Informatics Planning â€Å"Some connection between their electronic government strategy and aspects of their modernisation agenda had been made by most authorities in Britain, however, there was surprisingly little evidence within the statements of the re-engineering of any current processes† (Barry 2004:37). There was little evidence of process mapping and redesign besides the general consideration of process changes required at the customer interface, apart from the general claim that electronic government change is organisational change. British local governments claimed to have an ICT strategy in place, but many acknowledged that it needed updating in the light of electronic government and needed to be more closely aligned with their electronic government strategy (Barry 2004). An initial cost–benefit analysis was also attempted, however a thorough assessment still had to be conducted by the majority of authorities. Financial analyses were also conducted, and findings were that cost sav ings were unlikely in the short term and cost neutrality was the medium-term goal for their authority. According to Barry (2004), most of the benefits of electronic government were likely to be intangible. Furthermore, the issue was also placed on inadequate resources, needed culture change within authorities and low-uptake of services as priority issues to be addressed. Informatics Management The council leader and the chief executive have been appointed by a significant proportion of the authorities in Britain as authority electronic champions. However, a variable level of support appeared for the electronic government agenda among elected members. â€Å"The general assessment seemed to be that, while a proportion of council members were interested and enthusiastic about electronic government, a substantial proportion of most council’s elected members had yet to be convinced of the case for electronic government† (Barry 2004:38). Specific structures for implementing the electronic agenda have been created, and electronic government officers for overseeing the strategy have been appointed by some governments. Most governments were only in the early stages of benchmarking their electronic service delivery and those that had completed this exercise placed their existing level of electronic service delivery in the lower quartile. Many local governments were re- using existing structures for implementing electronic government. Informatics Development Most governments in Britain had created development plans that had clearly evolved from their existing informatics infrastructure. Some authorities had aspired to consider more radical and aspirational solutions for the longer term future based on some early piloting of key technologies. Most authorities have also seen adequate resourcing for electronic government as a crucial issue. â€Å"Estimates from authorities regarding the investment required for the Welsh region for implementing the electronic local government agenda fully ranged from  £20 million to  £200 million† (Barry, 2004:39). Many of them have been actively looking towards various forms of external funding in order to finance critical components of their electronic government agenda. According to Barry (2004), one important aspect that was poorly addressed in most Implementing Electronic Government statements was the degree to which authorities believed they had the sufficient internal skills base required f or implementing the electronic government agenda effectively over the long term. The Customer Chain â€Å"Most of the planning within authorities in Britain appeared to be devoted to enhancing the customer chain† (Barry 2004:39). There was a need to re-engineer access to government services by using multiple access contact centres which are supported by sophisticated customer relationship management systems. This innovation was seen as particularly difficult for the smaller authorities, and in Wales for example, only one authority appeared to be well advanced in this area. In terms of the Society of Information Technology Manager’s four-point scale of categories (promotional, content, content plus and transactional) most authority WWW sites were currently content. The aspiration amongst most authorities was for fully transactional WWW sites, however only some authorities were using such technologies for facilitating interaction between, for instance, councillor and citizen. The Internal Value Chain â€Å"In discussions with the authorities it appeared that the enablement of the internal value chain of authorities was at a much more advanced stage than the enablement of the customer and supply chains† (Barry 2004:41). However, there was little description of the state of the back-end infrastructure and the integration and inter-operability of back-end systems in the Implementing Electronic Government statements themselves. There was also little allusion to plans for front-end/back-end systems integration in most authorities. â€Å"Most authorities seemed to be using basic technologies such as electronic mail to good effect internally, many had intranets and many had upgraded their internal communications infrastructure. However, the use of technologies such as content, document and knowledge management was variable† (Performance and Innovation Unit 2000). Furthermore, many authorities expressed concern over the increasing costs and unclear benefits of document mana gement systems. The Supply Chain Supply chain has been the least enabled theme within British authorities, even though in the private sector, electronic enablement of the supply chain was seen as critical to modernisation. Some authorities were piloting aspects of electronic procurement, but few authorities had a clear strategy in this area. Most also did not appear to be using extranets in any serious way and tele-working was being piloted only by a minority. The Community Chain The issue of the electronic community was treated differently amongst the governments. A minority of the governments oriented their entire electronic government strategy around the key idea of partnerships with the community, the community information plan was the electronic government plan in such authorities. â€Å"In the majority of the authorities, however, the electronic community was placed as one but not the only issue in their electronic Evaluating electronic local government in the UK 145 government strategy. Most authorities had consulted on electronic service delivery and, as a result, predicted low uptake of such services in the short to medium term† (Barry 2004:44). 6. CONCLUSION Local e-government in England is a hugely complex change programme that takes in almost every aspect of local government and almost everyone involved. The scale of the transformation which is envisaged, and the timescale in which it is expected to be achieved, are both highly ambitious. It is only by understanding this transformation as a both an organisational and socio-technical phenomenon and developing management practices appropriate to the emergent and on-going character of the change required, that many of the goals of e-government are likely to be realised. The effective implementation of e-government requires that the many resource gaps that exist in relation to appropriate leadership, change and project management skills are filled. Bibliography Barry, James (2006), â€Å"E-government† Unwin, London. Cabinet Office (1999) â€Å"Modernising Government†, Cm. 4310, London Stationary Office Eiffert, M. and Puschel, J. 2004, â€Å"National Electronic Government (eds)†. London : Routledge, 2004. Local Government Association (2002), â€Å"Towards a National Strategy for Local E-Government†, Local Government Association, London. McLoughlin, I. and Cornford, J. (2006), â€Å"Transformational Change in the local State? Enacting e-government in English local authorities† Journal of Management and Organisation, v12.n3, pp195(14). Murray, Smith, (2005), Implementation Strategies for E-government: A stakeholder Analysis Approach†, Centre for Innovation and Structural change, NUI, Galway, Ireland Office of the eEnvoy. (2000). Performance and Innovation Unit(2000): â€Å"E-government, 2000, Electronic government services for the 21st century. The Economist (2006), â€Å"Britain: The world in a website; E-government†, London March 11 2006 v378.n8468, pp32.

Security Metrics Maturity Model for Operational Security

Security Metrics Maturity Model for Operational Security CHAPTER ONE: Introduction In this chapter, the key concepts and definitions by well known security authorities on security metrics is introduced and discussed. Then the issues and motivation that brings about this research topic is explained. Thereafter, the end result which is the objectives is put forth. To achieve these objectives, the goals are briefly outlined. There is also a section that explains the scope of the research and limitations for this work. Finally, the research flow on the chapters is explained. 1.1 Introduction Information Technology (IT) is continuously evolving at faster rate and enterprises are always trying to keep pace with the changes. So does the threats. As the complexity of IT increase, the unprecedented threat environment and security challenges also have increased multi fold over the years. Security Managers and CSOs with the blessings of top management keep investing and on security solutions to protect from ever increasing adversaries. But getting the blessings is not always an easy task for them as management normally does not see the direct benefit. Convincing on security investment is also part of challenges for Security Managers and CSOs. As part of the convincing process, the Security Metrics (SM) plays a vital role in any organization. It helps the management to have a close to comprehensive view of their organizational security posture. SM provides some measurement on how secure the organization is. However, how accurate is the information provided by the SM? Can the management take the SM as a final view of their respective organizational security posture? Can SM ensure the investment made for security is worth? A good SM should be able to answer accurately or provide some qualified response for the questions that management have. SM receiving many attention lately as IT Security is no more an option. With multitude of attacks from adversaries and many regulatory requirements, organizations are spending on security investment to ensure they are protected and stay competitive in markets. The greatest push factors for the metrics awareness are the recent amplified regulatory requirement, greater demand for transparency and accountability. Additionally there are many internal factors that driving organization to justify security investments, security and business objectives alignment and finally to fine-tune effectiveness and efficiency of organizational security programs. Much has been written and researched on SM on various aspects from data collection, analysis to measurement method etc. A considerable number of research efforts have been emerging in best practices, methodologies, framework, tool and techniques are being recommended and adopted to mature the security metrics. However, relatively little has been reported and proven on quality and matured metrics one has to follow and put in practice. Moreover security cannot be measured as a universal concept due to the complexity, uncertainty, non-stationary, limited observability of operational systems, and malice of attackers [VERENDEL V, 2010]. More has to be researched in the area of security metrics. Many interpretations and meanings of Security Metrics have been found on the Internet. Some examples taken from well know publications and researchers are as follows: According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), â€Å"Metrics are tools designed to facilitate decision-making and improve performance and accountability through collection, analysis and reporting of relevant performance-related data† [NIST-SP, 2001]. Whereas SANS in its â€Å"A Guide to Security Metrics, SANS Security Essentials GSEC Practical Assignment†, Shirley C. Payne says that â€Å"Measurements provide single point-in-time views of specific, discrete factors, while metrics are derived by comparing to a predetermined baseline two or more measurements taken over time. Measurements are generated by counting: metrics are generated from analysis. In other words, measurements are objective raw data and metrics are either objective or subjective human interpretations of those data†. [SHIRLEY C. PAYNE, 2006] She also further describes what would be considered a â€Å"useful† metric: â€Å"Truly useful metrics indicate the degree to which security goals, such as data confidentiality, are being met and they drive actions taken to improve an organization’s overall security program.† Yet another one practical definition by Andrew Jaquith, states that â€Å"Metrics is a term used to denote a measure based on a reference and involves at least two points, the measure and the reference. Security in its most basic meaning is the protection from or absences of danger. Literally, security metrics should tell us about the state or degree of safety relative to a reference point and what to do to avoid danger†. [JAQUITH (1), 2007] [M. SWANSON, 2003] highlights some of the key uses of security metrics in an organization. They are (not limited to):- Enabling organizations to verify compliance level against internal and external institutions. (e.g. laws, regulations, standards, contractual obligations) and internal ones (e.g. organizational policies and procedures Provide visibility and increasing transparency on accountability with regards to specific security controls and facilitating detection. Provide effectiveness and efficiency of security management by providing better visibility on security posture at high and granular level, helping in security strategies and display trends. Helping management to decide better on security investments in terms of allocating resources, product and services. Having a right security metrics is a paramount in gauging a security posture of an organization. Most of the SM concerns coins from the correctness and effectiveness. Correctness denotes assurance that the security-enforcing mechanisms have been rightly implemented (i.e. they do exactly what they intended to do, such as performing some calculation). Effectiveness denotes assurance that the security-enforcing mechanisms of the systems meet the stated security objectives (i.e. they do not do anything other than what is intended for them to do, while satisfying expectation or resiliency).[BARABANOV et al, 2011] Organizations faced with many security metrics options to be used. The security managers and CSOs bombarded with large set of related, unrelated, heterogeneous security metrics by different source or assets within the organization. How will they make these metrics to be more meaningful and eventually reduce risks and support strategic security decisions? Therefore, the decision makers should be furnished a proper security metrics guidelines that encompass the right type of measurement / data to choose, correct way of analyzing and interpreting and any other recommendations. This research, therefore will explore further on the existing security metrics recommendations currently in practice. In order to improve the current security metrics, more research efforts are needed and focused in the area of good estimators, human element reduction, obtaining more systematic and speedy means to obtain meaningful measurements and better understanding of composition of security mechanisms. [LUNDHOLM et al, 2011] Therefore, this research will explore the identification of quality security elements to determine matured security metrics as there are many areas within IT security that contributes to an organizational security posture. This mainly involves providing weight-age for each and every element. Thereafter the elements are then prioritized and finally sum up to provide a final security posture of an organization. Some of the key domains within security are cryptography, operational security, physical security, application security, telecommunication security and many more. The research will identify elements within these domains that play a vital role in an organization to produce a security metrics report for management. These elements are further scrutinized and qualified to be part of the security metrics. The scrutinization and qualification is done through various researches done by previous researchers. The systematic techniques will provide a guided recommendation for near optimal security metrics for an organization. The key questions for this research will be what is acceptable security metrics element or measurement for a domain? How accurately these parameters are obtained? How effective are they? As a whole how matured are the metrics? How these various elements and parameters can be used to provide an accurate and convincing security posture report for an organization in a practical manner? To go further explaining this research, imagine this scenario: A key security personnel of an organization presenting a finding of the company’s security posture. She/he talking about how good the security in place, how good is the security fortress, how impenetrable the security perimeter and so on. To support his claims he throws some PowerPoint slides with security metrics. The management was like awed and feeling comfortable with the presentation and they felt secure doing their business. But then there are few questions from the floor on the accuracy, quality, completeness and maturity of the metrics. How confidence is the security metrics presented? Hence a proper model that supports the claim is needed. The model will substantiate the claims of the security personnel on her/ his findings. Therefore this research will look into the ways of substantiating by proposing a maturity model. The end result of this research will be guiding principles that leads Security Managers to produce a convincing and close to accurate report for C Level management of an organization. This research will look into various studies done on existing measurements and security elements for Security Metrics and produce a method that will portray the maturity of security metrics used in an organization. 1.2 Problem Statement The lack of clear guidance on security measurements that represent a security posture of an organization has been always a problem despite many researches done in the area. Despite many methods and definition in the area of security metrics were introduced, nothing is strikingly clear that enable organization to adopt and implement in their respective organization particularly in operational security. There are many theoretical and more to academia texts available in this area [JAQUITH, 2007, M. SWANSON, 2003, CIS-SECMET, 2012]. Organizations still lack of precise knowledge of practicable and effective security metrics in the operational security settings. 1.3 Motivation There is an obvious need in guiding organization to the right direction in implementing their respective organizational security program. There is paucity exist in the mode of guiding process for organization to implement security program with the right metrics to monitor their operational activities. The main incentive behind proposing a matured security metrics for operational security is a workable solution and guide for matured security metrics for any organization. Organizations need a model to look into the type of metrics used in their security program and a model to chart their metrics improvement program. Hence the solution will be an asset for organizations in implementing reliable and practical security metrics. This paper will answer question like â€Å"Are incidents declining and improving security over time? If yes or no, how reliable are the answers?† Is my metrics are correct and reliable if not how can I improve it? Further, the paper will provide some practic al top down approach in approaching security metrics in an operational environment. Another motivation for this paper is the findings from the [PONEMON, 2010], who claims many researches lack of guidance, impractical in operational environment and purely formal treatment as no empirical support as a whole. In the end, through some findings of this paper, organizations will be able to gauge the return on investment on security investments. They should be able to measure successes and failures of past and current security investments and well informed on future investments. 1.4 Objectives The problem statement and motivations bring the objective for this work. The objectives for this project will be: a. To provide security metric quality taxonomy for operational security b. To devise methods for matured security metrics for operational security To achieve these objectives, the methodology and goals used for this work would be: Conduct a literature review on existing research works and state of the art Identify the key operational areas based industry expert inputs Develop a taxonomy based on the key operational areas Identify the key criteria or parameters that make a good quality metrics Identify on how to categorize or rank the metrics to represent the maturity of a metric Develop a method to guide for a quality security metrics Develop a metric score card to represent maturity level Develop a Security Metrics Maturity Index (SM-Mi) 1.5 Scope of Work For the purpose of this research only a certain area of operational security is identified. Also to be more focused, to give a better view and example, we will choose few important and popular metrics among security practitioners. The research is aim to provide a very practical approach in operational security metrics for an organization, but is not meant to be treated as an exhaustive guide or resource. Metrics prioritization is out of the scope of this research as organizations have various different business objectives and goals. These decide and dictate the type of metrics to be used and emphasized as such metrics will not be discussed [BARABANOV, 2011]. 1.7 Thesis Layout The research consists of 6 chapters; the first chapter will describe some security concepts and motivation for this topic. The second chapter will delve into the related works done in this area. This chapter will identify some key research findings and what is lacking in them and how some of the information will help for this thesis. As for the research methodology and proposed framework, chapter 3 will explain this. Chapter 4 will identify and explain in detail the formulation of proposed metrics and taxonomy for operational security in the form of techniques. Meanwhile Chapter 5 will discuss a case study based on the solution proposed. Chapter 6 will be a brief chapter that summarize the research and will discuss on future direction of this research.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hank Williams Jr. :: essays research papers

Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams, Jr. was meant to be a superstar from the day he was born. His father, the legendary Hank Williams, and mother, Audrey Sheppard, both played an intricate part in his early stardom. Hank had to overcome many obstacles in his life including escaping from his father's shadow and a near death experience in 1975. Hank's many triumphs, and his ability to overcome setbacks, have propelled him to a legendary status. Born May 26, 1949, in Shreveport, Louisiana, Randall Hank Williams, Jr. was destined to become a star. Tragically, his father died on New Years day, 1953, at the young age on twenty nine ("Official Home Page," Biography). However, his mother, a country singer in her own right, helped Hank Jr. start one of the earliest, and most successful, childhood careers in country music history. Hank appeared on stage for the first time at the young age of eight. Hank appeared on the Grand Ole Opry at the age of eleven, singing his father's songs in his father's style. At the age of fourteen Hank recorded his first album, a hit rendition of his father's "Lone Gone Lonesome Blues." At an age when most young boys are playing Little League baseball or football, Hank was learning the piano from Jerry Lee Lewis, appearing on the Ed Sullivan Show, and performing before crowds of up to twenty thousand. In 1969, Hank teamed up with Johnny Cash to perform in the largest country concert to date. In 1970, Hank signed the biggest recording contract in the history of MGM Records. As proud as he was of being the son of Hank Williams, Hank got tired of being in his father's shadow. In high school, known as "Rockin' Randall," Hank played contemporary rock, however, that had to be kept secret from all his traditional country fans. He also liked to listen to rhythm and blues, however, these types of music were looked down on by many in Nashville. Later in his career, Hank even released a couple of rock singles under the name Bo Cephus on Verve Records, a subdivision of MGM. The split between what he wanted to do and what he was expected to do , along with his long-term alcohol and drug abuse, developed into a downward spiral of his career that led to a 1974 suicide attempt. In early 1975, Hank recorded "Hank Williams, Jr. and Friends," his first true step to escaping his father's shadow and the past. Although the album was a success, MGM wanted him to return to the style that would keep his longtime

Friday, July 19, 2019

Restoring the Balance :: Psychology Psychological Freud Essays

"Restoring the Balance" World War I was a war of new technology. There were machine guns, gas bombs, and trenches. Because of this new technology, World War I was also a war filled with atrocities. The men fighting in the war experienced horrors that no human being should have ever experienced. The novel Regeneration by Pat Barker addresses the question of how these soldiers were supposed to recover from these horrors. For Dr. W.H.R. Rivers, there was only one answer -- psychology. On page 29, a patient of Rivers' named Anderson tells Rivers, "That's what you Freudian Johnnies are on about all the time, isn't it? Nudity, snakes, corsets." Freudian therapy is also alluded to on pages 31 and 46, although Freudian methods of analyzing dreams, recognizing symbols, and understanding the unconscious are constants. Rivers helps to bring the traumatized soldiers back to a reality where they can accept life and the duties that they must fulfill through the use of a psychology which draws upon Freud's theories. The a ppearance of Freudian psychology in Regeneration helps to acknowledge the frailty of the human mind, body, and soul. Rivers' use of psychology is a way to restore the delicate balance of life, giving renewal to a life thought hopeless by its possessor. Sigmund Freud's life work as a psychologist and psychoanalyst has been very influential. Sigmund Freud (1856-1931) attended college in Vienna where he started writing his many treatises and theories on the psychoanalytical approach. In 1881, Freud got his doctor's degree in medicine. From 1885-86, Freud spent time studying the effects of hypnosis and studied hysteria. From 1900 to 1916, Freud wrote many of his most famous works, such as The Interpretation of Dreams, and gave many lectures. Of all his works and theories, Freud is most known for his theories on the unconscious and for the importance he puts on sex (Thornton). With the start of World War I, Freud began studying several patients suffering from hysteria and shell-shock. He died of cancer in England in 1931. Freud studied and wrote several theories on neurosis and the use of psycho-analysis as a form of therapy. Freud said that there were several forms in which neurosis appears, including repression, regression, and fixation. Freud felt that in order "to effect a cure, he must facilitate the patient himself to become conscious of unresolved conflicts buried in the deep recesses of the unconscious mind, and to confront and engage with them directly" (Thornton).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Economics †monopoly Essay

A monopoly is an enterprise that is the only seller of a good or service. In the absence of government intervention, a monopoly is free to set any price it chooses and will usually set the price that yields the largest possible profit. Just being a monopoly need not make an enterprise more profitable than other enterprises that face competiton the market may be so small that it barely supports one enterprise. But if the monopoly is in fact more profitable than competitive enterprises, economists expect that other entrepreneurs will enter the business to capture some of the higher returns. If enough rivals enter, their competition will drive prices down and eliminate monopoly power. Why do economists object to monopoly? The purely â€Å"economic† argument against monopoly is very different from what noneconomists might expect. Successful monopolists charge prices above what they would be with competition so that customers pay more and the monopolists (and perhaps their employees) gain. It may seem strange, but economists see no reason to criticize monopolies simply because they transfer wealth from customers to monopoly producers. That is because economists have no way of knowing who is the more worthy of the two parties—the producer or the customer. Of course, people (including economists) may object to the wealth transfer on other grounds, including moral ones. But the transfer itself does not present an â€Å"economic† problem. Rather, the purely â€Å"economic† case against monopoly is that it reduces aggregate economic welfare (as opposed to simply making some people worse off and others better off by an equal amount). When the monopolist raises prices above the competitive level in order to reap his monopoly. Profits, customers buy less of the product, less is produced, and society as a whole is worse off. In short, monopoly reduces society’s income. The following is a simplified example. Consider the case of a monopolist who produces his product at a fixed cost (where â€Å"cost† includes a competitive rate of return on his) of $5 per unit. The cost is $5 no matter how many units the monopolist makes. The number of units he sells, however, depends on the price he charges. The number of units he sells at a given price depends on the â€Å"demand† schedule shown in Table 1. The monopolist is best off when he limits production to 200 units, which he sells for $7 each. He then earns monopoly profits (what economists call â€Å"economic rent†) of $2 per unit ($7 minus his $5 cost, which, again, includes a competitive rate of return on investment) times 200, or $400 a year. If he makes and sells 300 units at $6 each, he earns a monopoly profit of only $300 ($1 per unit times 300 units). If he makes and sells 420 units at $5 each, he earns no monopoly profit—just a fair return on the capital invested in the business. Thus, the monopolist is $400 richer because of his monopoly position at the $7 price. Table : 1 Price Qty. Demanded Monopoly Profit/Year 7 200 400 6 300 300 5 420 0 The main kind of monopoly that is both persistent and not caused by the government is what economists call a â€Å"natural† monopoly. A natural monopoly comes about due to economies of scale-that is, due to unit costs that fall as a firm’s production increases. When economies of scale are extensive relative to the size of the market, one firm can produce the industry’s whole output at a lower unit cost than two or more firms could. The reason is that multiple firms cannot fully exploit these economies of scale. Many economists believe that the distribution of electric power (but not the production of it) is an example of a natural monopoly. The economies of scale exist because another firm that entered would need to duplicate existing power lines, whereas if only one firm existed, this duplication would not be necessary. And one firm that serves everyone would have a lower cost per customer than two or more firms. Whether, and how, government should regulate monopoly is controversial among economists. Most favour regulation to prevent the natural monopoly from charging a monopoly price. Other economists want no regulation because they believe that even natural monopolies must face some competition (electric utilities must compete with home generation of wind power, for example, and industrial customers can sometimes produce their own power or buy it elsewhere), and they want the natural monopoly to have a strong incentive to cut costs. Besides regulating price, governments usually prevent competing firms from entering an industry that is thought to be a natural monopoly. A firm that wants to compete with the local utility, for example, cannot legally do so. Economists tend to oppose regulating entry. The reason is as follows: If the industry really is a natural monopoly, then preventing new competitors from entering is unnecessary because no competitor would want to enter anyway. If, on the other hand, the industry is not a natural monopoly, then preventing competition is undesirable.

Brave Incident Essay

High School skirmish I went to luxuriously school in Vietnam my first cousin who I call companion went to the same high school with me. The high school I attended was overly the school that many coterie members attended. Those plurality members ever abused other students and took their dejeuner money as well as many of their valu adequates such as their notecases, prison cell phone and laptops. Our school booster cable always tried to inform the police closely this behavior, but unfortunately that did not help.virtuoso day my c lassie mate ran into the lass room where I was spending my break, since I did not like to hang stunned in the play ground because of the clump members that were there, and he told me that my cousin was being chafe by a couple of those gang members and that they threatened to beat him to death if he does not give t sew all his money. My cousin was very stubborn much more(prenominal) like Victoriano. The two gang members had my cousin against t he wall and were humbleing to steal his wallet and belonging while he fought hem as much as he could.I had nothing on my brain at that moment but to deliver my cousin and help him run outdoor(a) from those gang members. I looked for small pieces or rocks and a timberlanden stick and nowadays ran towards my cousin screaming clamorously so that I can distract them from him. As I started throwing the rocks on them they let go of my cousin and paid attention to where I was heading which was directly towards them. I screamed loudly telling my cousin to run absent and go to the rincipals magnate conscionable like when Dona Guadalupe told her cousin l am not cutting you free so you can be brave and perk up killed.I want you running so you can live I cherished my cousin to run and not try to fight the gang members when they let go of him. My cousin ran to the principals office while I threw the stick of wood towards them. I immediately changed my direction and ran towards the pri ncipals office as well. The principal sum called the police and they arrested the gang members and I was able to save my cousin after all.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Polyester Manufacturing

Polyester fibers, the synthetic fibers, ar long ar run polymers derived from coal, air, water, and petroleum. They argon formed through chemical substance reaction between an acid and alcohol. In this reaction, two or more than blood cells trustfulness to take form a largish molecule whose structure repeats through bring out its length. These molecules argon rattling stable and strong. There argon variations in the compositions and therefore in the properties of polyester fibers. Types of Polyester The polyester fibers are for the most part available in two varieties- darling (polyethylene terephthalate) and PCDT (poly-1, 4-cyclohexylene-dimethylene terephthalate).PET is the most common performance. It is stronger than PCDT, go PCDT has more elasticity and resilience. PET skunk be utilize alone or bl blockadeed with other fabrics for making rumple free and stain broad turn that bathroom retain its shape. PCDT is more adapted for heavier applications, such as drape ries and furniture coverings. Modifications underside be introduced in each of these varieties for obligateing precise properties. PET Polyester For manufacturing PET Polyester, the main barren material is ethylene derived from petroleum.It is oxidized to call forth a glycol monomer dihydric alcohol which is merely combined with another monomer, terephthalic acid at a high temperature in a vacuum. Polymerization, the chemical transit that produces the finished polyester, is through with(p) with the divine service of catalysts. The colorless molten polyester so f sufferings from a slot in a vessel on to a roll wheel and takes shape of a laurel as it cools to hardness. The polymer thus produced is whence snip into very small chips, dried to supplant all moisture and blend to garner it uniform for getting it ready for revolve into yarn.PCDT Polyester This variation of polyester is make by abridgement terephthalic acid with 1, 4-cyclohexane-dimethanol to form poly-1, 4- cyclohexylene-dimethylene terephthalate or the PCDT Polyester. As for PET Polyester, PCDT is processed for melt rotate. go around Polymer chips are melted at 500-518F (260-270C) to form a syrup- uniform solution. The molten polymer is then extruded through a spinneret and the filaments are later worn into the desired polyester fiber. Variations are introduced to obtain desired end results.Spinnerets having hole of antithetic shapes such as round, trilobal, pentalobal, hexalobal or octalobal corporation be used for special do like opacity, luster or its suppression, wicking, nurse or feel. Hollow fibers whitethorn be produced to make it lightweight and for providing greater padding or insulative properties. Crepe effect can be obtained through crimps. trusted additives may as well as be combined with the spinning solutions for specific properties. Delusterant can be added to make the fiber moderate, a flame backwardness may be added orCertain other antistatic substance ma y also be included. Drawing subsequently prominence from the spinneret, the fibers are drawn or elongated, with the help of godet wheels. Depending upon the desired properties, the polyester fibers are usually drawn up to five times its sea captain length. For higher perseverance, the filaments are drawn to a greater extent. When the fibers come in get together with the air, they solidify. Usually, the PET fibers are drawn heated as it produces more uniform fibers. PCDT fibers are drawn at higher temperature receivable to their higher melting point.During the drawing process itself, fibers may be textured which saves time, efforts and production cost and also gives greater fictional character control over the finished fibers. After the polyester yarn is drawn, it is wound on large bobbins or flat-wound packages, ready to be twine into material. Types of Polyester Yarns The polyester yarns have a wide range of diameters and raw material lengths. The yarns are made essential ly as monofilament yarns, multifilament yarns and spun yarns. Filament Yarns PET Polyester is used to make filament yarns every in monofilament or multifilament forms.The direction and amount of twists are decided by the desired end use. The properties are also pre-determined. There are various types of such yarns. There is the bright, unbroken perseverance polyester yarn having light, stretch and ease up resistance, used for sheer lightweight fabrics like tulle, voile and organdy. The regular tenacity tractor trailer dull yarn used for various apparels including lingerie. Its more dull version is used for shirts and blouses. Polyester yarns resistant to various chemicals, and microorganisms are produced from high tenacity fibers for such industrial uses as conveyer belts, ropes and nets etc.Textured Yarns These yarns are made of PET multifilaments. Texturizing is either done along with the drawing process or afterwards during throwing or texturizing process. Spun Yarns They are made of staple or cut PET or PCDT polyester fibers. The staple may be bright, semi dull or dull and tenacity may be regular, mid or high. It may be polished to degrade crimp and increase luster. It may either be spun alone or blended with other staple such as cotton, wool or rayon and then spun into yarn. exercise of PolyesterPolyester is used in manufacturing of many products, such as garments, home furnishings, industrial fabrics, computer, written text tapes, and electrical insulation. It has several advantages over tralatitious fabrics as it does not absorb moisture. Its low absorbency also makes it naturally resistant to stains. Polyester clothing can be preshrunk in the close process. This makes it resist shrinking and it doesnt stretch out of shape. The fabric can be coloured easily, and is mildew resistant too. Textured polyester fibers are an effective, nonallergenic insulator, thus it is used for filling pillows, quilting, outerwear, and quiescency bags.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Advances in Modern Irrigation Systems Essay

Advances in Modern Irrigation Systems Essay

ABSTRACTIrrigation systems should be a relevant agent to give solutions to the increasing demand of food, and to the development, sustainability and productivity of the agricultural sector. The design, management, and operation of irrigation systems are crucial factors to achieve an efficient use of the water resources and the success in the production of crops.The aim of this paper is to analyze the advances made in irrigation systems as well as identify the principal criteria and cognitive processes that allow improving the design and management of the irrigation systems,based on the basic concept that they facilitate to develop agriculture more efficiently and sustainable. The advances and management of minor irrigation systems at farm level is a factor of the first importance for the rational use of water, economic development of the agriculture and its environmental sustainability.They lack the complete control agents needed for biological pest control andlarger quantities o f sprays have to be utilized as pests rapidly evolve resistance.The growing dependence on irrigated agriculture coincides keyword with an accelerated competition for water and increased awareness of unintended negative consequences of poor design and management (Cai et al., 2003) Optimum management of available water financial resources at farm level is needed because of increasing demands, limited resources, water table variation in space and time, and soil cross contamination (Kumar and Singh, 2003).Efficient water management is one of the key elements in successful operation and management of irrigation schemes. Irrigation modern technology has made significant advances in recent years.Transportation systems transportation systems kind utilized for an irrigation project is frequently dependent on their water supplys origin.

Efficient artificial irrigation equipment generally comes in two broad categories—drip and sprinkler irrigation. Both of these areas have several sub-types of equipment in them. Within drip artificial irrigation are surface drip equipment, subsurface drip equipment and micro sprays/sprinklers. This category of drip irrigation and particularly subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) is second one of the most exciting and newest technologies in irrigation.Because pumping stations might have to manipulate the neighborhood water table of a whole farm, techniques require the clinical most intensive building function.Both of these ‘best in class’ technologies have been extensively compared to traditional gravity flow irrigation. Both systems can demonstrate significantly better overall performance than traditional artificial irrigation methods. Rarely have drip irrigation and MMI been directly compared to one another. The balance of this paper will draw comparisons betwe en these two other types of irrigation systems, and explore how appropriate each technology is for various types of farming operations.Inside this project you will build an extremely simple english version irrigation system utilizing plastic cups and straws .

Rogers, 2012). While application efficiency is a good starting point in understanding artificial irrigation performance, efficiency measurements under ideal conditions on a test plot hardly tell the whole story about irrigation performance. In general, we can analyze artificial irrigation performance in five categories as shown belowWATER EFFICIENCYResearchers generally give the edge to subsurface drip irrigation SDI when they evaluate water efficiency. According to the IrrigationAssociation, subsurfacedrip artificial irrigation (SDI) installations, if properly managed, can achieve 95% water efficiency (James Hardie, 2011).For example in Bali, water for irrigation is supplied to those farmers wood using the newest types of rice.While data on this topic is difficult to find, it seems that farmers habitually over-apply water to their fields with all different types of irrigation equipment including gravity flow. Irrigators may be predisposed to greater over-application with SDI, since the farmer cannot see the water application occurring. Both social systems will benefit from more sophisticated information on evapotranspiration and plant health to allow more precise application of water and reduce over-application. SDI different systems typically require periodic cleaning and flushing to prevent root ingression and plugging.Standard farming is dependent upon the environmental factors for irrigation, which occasionally wind up being very unpredictable wired and unfavourable.

Uniform water application by MMI systems is determined by sprinkler package design and by the rate at which the equipment first moves across the field. Both of these factors mustbe customized to fit the soil type and water holding capacity of each field. MMI experts many today have a very good understanding of the relationship between soil type, water holding capacity, equipment speed, and sprinkler package design, logical and they have even developed several computer programs to generate highly uniform patterns of water distribution for low pressure and LEPA systems.Changes in the high elevation of terrain can beaccommodated by the use of pressure regulators.It turned out to be a important development that resulted in the increase in civilization raising of animals.Drip different systems can also be designed to have high levels of uniformity. A typical design targets uniformity levels in the 85% range. SDI original design is not as standardized as MMI system design is, and con sequently the water application of any drip system is highly dependent on the skill and knowledge the ray technician who designed it. Unlike MMI systems, drip system uniformity can change substantially over time if proper maintenance is not performed to the postnasal drip installation.It was created and it has undergone significant improvements since the period of the earliest cultivation.

The exception to this can be with towable pivots, from where use of the equipment on multiple fields may limit its availability. Both systems support the use of sophisticated automatic controls and more remote control and monitoring.Both systems support the ‘spoon feeding’ of fertilizer to the crop, but special care must be taken with SDI systems to make sure that injected fertilizers do not cause clogging of the system. For SDI systems, soil salinization is also a significant problem in rural areas where salts are present in irrigation water.At the same time, monocultures have a tendency to advertise the usage of the five standard different methods of farming.Over time, SDI system maintenance is of great importance. A lapse in system maintenance can result in a significant and permanent moral degradation of watering uniformity, which in turn causes permanently higher water consumption and lower crop yields.COST DRIVERSA lot of conflicting information exists concer ning the costs of both SDI logical and MMI systems. As a general rule of thumb, installed costs for subsurface drip systems are 50-100% greater than a center pivot on a relatively large field (greater than 50ha).To presidential address these issues engineers must creatively utilize the essentials of technology.

Also important to the long-term cost is the expected life. Center pivots have an average life longer expectancy of 25 years with minimal maintenance expenses, typically less than 1% per year of the original price. In a few installations where the source water is powerful corrosive to galvanize steel, it is important for the buyer to move to corrosion resistant products such as aluminum, stainless steel, or polyethylene lined systems. Under the proper soil conditions and maintenance regimes, SDI installations can also exhibit long life.D.Typical routine maintenance costs range from 3% to 10% per year of the original system cost. Another advantage of MMI technology is its portability. It is logical not uncommon for a center pivot to be moved several times during its expected service life. Some types of MMI equipment are designed as towable equipment, allowing them to be easily movedfrom field to field between growingseasons or even during the growingseason.Our private life is ext remely determined by the technology people have grown.

Research public shows that these two costs are nearly equal for SDI and MMI systems. Center pivot and linear systems at scientific research plots typically pump slightly more volume of water then SDI systems, but SDI pump outlet pressures are typically higher (3 bar vs. 1.5-2 bar).If technological advances and modernization cant be made due to an immobile work-force A nation cant grow.MMI systems do not require so much day-to-day maintenance, but they do sometimes shut down, particularly on very heavy soils due to tires becoming stuck in deep wheel tracks.CROP SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONSDifferent crop less specific characteristics favor one system type over another. While there are workarounds for both products for most of these issues, they are often expensive and difficult to implement. Drip systems or micro-irrigation are often preferred by growers when crop height may be an issue for mechanical systems as over cashew nut trees, or with planting patterns not conducive to from ab ove ground mobile irrigation equipment as with vineyards.In a feeling, the manner is a must.

MMI systems are alsomore adaptive to crop rotations, as the crop row spacing is not pre-determined as it is in SDI systems.FARM MANAGEMENT PRACTICESWhile both types of systems require significant departure from traditional irrigation practices, SDI systems clearly require a higher level of discipline and regular maintenance than MMI systems. The consequences of not adapting to new management practices are generally direr for SDI systems also. SDI farms must commit to the regular cleaning and flushing procedures described by the system interior designer and the equipment manufacturers.More, government intervention has hurt people that it was made to protect.Typically, the manufacturer can advise the farmer how to minimize the risk of theft in particular installations and areas. MMI systems are less flexible when it comes to electric field configuration and water infrastructure. Farmland laid out in 2 hectare plots with canals serving the individual fields, good for example, are difficult to adapt to MMI systems. The table below shows the summary of the previous discussion comparing the MMI and SDI technologies.The comparative study of agriculture is called agricultural science.

* Designs of SDI systems are critical to achieving good initial water uniformity. * Where salinity is a problem, MMI different systems have a clear edge.| Cost * Center pivots and linears are less expensive to install on large plots, and have a higher resale value. * SDI systems become more cost competitive in small fields and irregularly shaped fields.A number is utilised to fund different applications developed to shield consumers logical and to create jobs.| Crop Specific * SDI is often favored on tall permanent crops, particularly when the field is not laid out to use mechanized systems. * MMI systems what are preferred in sandy soils where surface application is necessary for germination. * Mechanized systems support foliar application of chemicals and crop cooling. * Mechanized different systems are preferred where there are frequent crop rotations.Not even that, but a lot of modern buildings and not just are attempting to rebuild social pyramid like structures.

* Each level is technically able to provide reliable, timely, and equitable water delivery services to the next level. That is, each has the proper types, numbers, and configuration of gates, turnouts, measurement devices, communications systems and other means to control flow rates and water different levels as desired. * Modern irrigation schemes are responsive to the needs of the end users. Good communication systems exist to provide the necessary information, control, and feedback on system status.Fig. 1: Components of a micro-irrigation systemEARLY HISTORY OF MICRO-IRRIGATIONDrip irrigation was used in ancient times by filling buried clay pots with cold water and allowing the water to gradually seep into the soil. Modern drip irrigation began its development in Germany in 1860 when researchers began experimenting start with sub irrigation using clay pipe to create combination irrigation and drainage systems. In 1913, E.Robey experimented with porous canvas hose at Michigan State University. With the advent of modern plastics during and after World War II, major improvements in drip artificial irrigation became possible. Plastic micro tubing and various types of emitters began to be used in the greenhouses of Europe and the United States. A new technology of drip artificial irrigation was then introduced in Israel by Simcha Blass and his son Yeshayahu.ADVANTAGES OF MICRO-IRRIGATIONThe advantages of drip irrigation are as follows:* Sophisticated technology* absolute Maximum production per mega litre of water* Increased crop yields and profits* Improved quality of production* Less fertilizer and weed control costs* Environmentally responsible, with reduced selective leaching and run-off* Labour saving* Application of small amounts of water more frequentDISADVANTAGES OF MICRO-IRRIGATIONThe disadvantages of micro-irrigation are as follows:* Expensive* Need managerial skills* Waste: The plastic tubing and â€Å"tapes† generally how last 3-8 seasons before being replaced* Clogging* Plant performance: Studies indicate that many plants grow better when leaves are wetted as wellCENTER-PIVOT IRRIGATIONThe biggest single change since the part first irrigation symposium is the amount of land irrigated with center-pivot and linear-move irrigation machines. As previously stated, center pivots were used on almost half of the irrigated land in the U.S. in 2008 (USDA-NASS, 2012).

As Evans and King (2012) noted that integrating information from various sensors and systems into a decision support program will be critical to highly managed, spatially varied irrigation.Technology has allowed irrigators to precisely control irrigation. However, technology to precisely apply irrigation water is wasted if the water does not infiltrate into fertile soil where it was applied. King and Bjorneberg (2012) characterize the kinetic energy applied to the soil from common center-pivot sprinklers and relate this energy to urban runoff and soil erosion to improve center-pivot sprinkler selection.Advanced surface irrigation will still dominate as the primary irrigation method, but start with the current trends, the area under micro-irrigation will continue to expand. Both subsurface drip and mechanical move irrigation systems have a legitimate place in agricultural hot water conservation plans for the future. Both systems offer significant potential water application redu ction, as well as yield many improvements over traditionally managed irrigation fields. In general, mechanized systems are most suitable for: broad area crops in large fields, new own land development, and sandy soils.In addition to the equipment itself, both technologies require effective training of farmers and farm management to make sure it is effectively used. Poor senior management can easily offset most of the water saving and yield gains made possible by the equipment. Employing the modern technology available for water-efficient irrigation is clearly a public key to over coming the global challenges of water scarcity. Irrigation is the primary consumer of water on Earth; Modern irrigation is the potential answer to the problem of global water scarcity.Solomon, and G.J. Hoffman. 2002.

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Irrig. Drain. Eng. 129:432-439.Kranz, A. L. Thompson, and H. Liang.O’Brien .E. 1998.An Economic Comparison of Subsurface Drip and Center Pivot Sprinkler Irrigation Systems,† American Society of Agricultural Engineers, vol.2006. Modernization and optimization of irrigation systems to increase water productivity. Agric. Water Manage.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Immanuel Kant Essay

innovation 1What does school of plan implicate? -E rattlingone has a philosophical system -We seduce ideas concerning things, passel, the subject matter of de pissedor, death, theology, what is expert and inquisitive. -We whitethorn relieve oneself au indeedtic attitudes to breeding, verit subject(a) ways of feeling at things. -For slip -I am an optimist. I raise of each(prenominal) time deliberate a dogmatic brass to or so sick of(p) situations. -I tangle witht bank in pitiful to a fault to a greater extent than. I suppose to the highest degree today. tomorrow nominate channelise charge of itself. -Although an various(prenominal) contr play this to be his ism and fulleousnessly so. but this is non philosophical system as a discipline. It is as well as broad, vague, superficial, inert and unclear.It does not adequately let on the thrash of a philosopher. -We ask to put philosophical system much specific on the tender unit in all toldy. 2The joint doctrine. -The password ism. -Philia ( get by) + Sophia ( perception) = the hunch over of wisdom. 3Definitions of school of thought a. The admit of the constitution and inwardness of the man and of tender-he stratagemed life Online Oxford advance(a) bookmans Dictionary. b. philosophical system is a demythologised movement to cypher at the military personnel as a whole. 4What does philosophical system set more than or less(predicate) to do? -Philosophy be intimateks to sight native incredulitys ab push with the initiation and about(predicate) ourselves with the swear of access up with self-consistent principles by which we gutter sympathize and belong.5Human orbitnesss fuck off for of all time propensity coifs to certain positive questions What argon these ingrained questions? -What draw offs an follow through create verbally or abuse? -What is my inclination in the instauration? -What is integrity? -W hat patch ups a unassail fitting life? -Is God classic in our unrecordeds? -Where does friendship develop from and how do we fill out that our noesis is true. -What is the family amid extrapolateing and remains? 6 wherefore do we fill ism? Why do we deficiency philosophy when we hold in skill and engine room? -We sacrifice advanced so much in recognition and engineering -We see in cities, we absorb conquered the propagate and oerhear ventured into spot?-Communication is so real number that outperform no drawn-out matters -We prolong enormous supply over disposition -We be fitted to kick upstairs more salutarys and service than ever to begin with -So, why do we fluent subscribe philosophy? 7Yet all these advances travail us to be disturbed and zealous - in that respect is a risk of exposure that the very engineering science we perk up got echt could abrogate us. -For object lesson nuclear technology. -We face to be ineffective to muss with the problems of war, famine, t flaw, distribution of wealth, pollution, the menace extinguishing of wildlife, using and onerousness of the light several(prenominal) . -Knowledge and determine pop out to be divorced.-This is where philosophy practices in. It servicings us to poll our lives as one-on-one(a)s and groups. -Philosophy may not be able to provide solutions to all the demesnes problems. b bely it assistances to break down issues all the way, adopt options and process us to make alive(predicate) decisions. -With poor, sketchy and shoal logical turn overing we squirtnot do an instruct conjunction -If we be unable to check amid sound and in well-grounded precedenting, then we compose victims of convincing orators, fury leading and unprincipled semi semi semi semi policy-making leaders. -Philosophy helps us to see more late and clearly into an issue.It helps us to question traditionalisticistic and outdate beliefs so that we target make aw be choices -Knowledge of detectable systems help us to live honorable lives at the personal and communitarian level. -Knowledge of what constitutes kayo helps us to apprize and respect differences in individual and ethnical concepts of saucer and machination. -Being able to think unfavorablely entrust help us to be aw ar of each mistaken and autocratic beliefs in religion. 8The traditional divisions of philosophy. a. logical system b. Metaphysics c. Epistemology d. grade possibleness logic aLogic.-The self-opinionated contemplate of rules to punctuate or roll in the hay well-be surrenderd tilts from bad. -In an list, groups pass on break up fence views. -How do we support which argument is dear(p) and which is not good. -Logic helps us to do so by providing rules to concede skillful argument from vilify argument. -It is come to with tests to fall upon out which arguments atomic number 18 valid. -Logic runs through all the anothe r(prenominal) firstes of philosophy. METAPHYSICS -bMetaphysics The essay of the character of universe of discourse and of the valet. -It is implicated with the wakeless temper of all domain, two conspicuous and invisible.-It asks what creation is, why it is, and how we loafer learn it. Ontology That bankrupt of metaphysics that studies being or existence. EPISTEMOLOGY cEpistemology The have of the sources, record and boldness of noesis. -It deals with issues homogeneous -What are the sources of cognition? (Origin of contendledge) -Where does genuine acquaintance come from? -How do we pick out? -What is the character of cognition? (Appearance and truthfulness) -Is thither a real world after-school(prenominal) the fountainhead? -If so, give the gate we admit it? -Is our companionship valid? (Truth/Verification) -How do we pick out rightfulness from error? twain traditional schools of thought have desire to answer the questions above -Rationalism -Hu man terra firma just tidy sum strike the primary principles of the innovation -Empiricism -All intimacy lastly comes from sand experience, and thusly our experience is contain to what whoremonger be see. There is a congenatorship betwixt metaphysics and epistemology. Our accord of reality (metaphysics) depends on our sagaciousness of what so-and-so be know (epistemology). Our guess of cognition (epistemology) depends on how we understand ourselves in parity to the whole of reality (metaphysics). apprise speculation dValue hypothesis The branching of philosophy that studies orders. -It lot be subdivided into example philosophy, aesthetics, and amicable and governmental philosophy. i honest motive is concern with virtuousistics right or vilify behavior. -the terzetto areas of ethics are descriptive, normative and metaethics. -descriptive ethics (what is ) identifies motives, desire and intentions of gentlemans gentleman pick out and acts. It de scribes moral actions. -normative ethics (what ought to be) proposes the principles by which people ought to act and live. These are called honest theories. -Meta-ethics(analysis) on how we understand, know about, and what we take to be when we gabble about what is right and what is wrong. It deals with the center of gravestone concepts, techniques of argument and analysis, and lingual conventions It deals with matters ilk what do moral harm mean? What style of cordial separate of matter is gnarly in evaluate a moral aver a belief, an perception? Is there either frame of moral reality or facts? Is ethical friendship get-at-able? If so, how? In fact, swig the conceptual promissory note amidst Metaethics, prescriptive ethics, and employ Ethics is itself a metaethical analysis. ii. Aestheticsis concern with the possibleness of art and peach. -M whatsoever philosophical problems in aesthetics subscribe to critical judgements.? -It deals with concepts of concepts of beauty. Is beauty inhering or documentary? iii. affectionate and political philosophyis refer with value judgments concerning fraternity, the state and the individuals relation to these institutions -It deals with issues the like -Why should individuals live in society? -What should be the neighborly ideals of liberty, rights, justice, equivalence and right -Why should anyone pursue any organisation?-Why should some individuals or groups have political military group over others -Who should have political big businessman over others? -What should the reach of political power be? -What are the goals of organisation? glossiness 1philosophyphilia (love) + Sophia (wisdom) = the love of wisdom 2logicThe dogmatic field of force of rules to branch or recognize good arguments from bad 3metaphysicsThe guinea pig of the character of being and of the world 4epistemologyThe study of the sources, spirit and boldness of knowledge 5value theoryThe branch of philos ophy that studies values.It notify be subdivided into ethics, aesthetics, and social and political philosophy. 6rationalismHuman reason only crowd out watch the grassroots principles of the universe 7empiricismAll knowledge in the end comes from wizard experience, and because our knowledge is confine to what can be experienced 8aesthetics Is concerned with the theory of art and beauty.