Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Process of judging

Software estimation is the first phase of project planning and it is the process of judging a software product and solving the problem associated with the software project. We follow some important steps to achieve reliable cost and effort estimates. Explain the different estimation models and estimation techniques. [a. Explaining different estimation models b. Explaining estimation techniques] 3. A. You are a SCM manager in a software company. How will you establish a software configuration management process in a company? B.You are appointed as a software developer in a software company and you have been asked by your project manager to check details of the bugs from the previous version. How will you gather details associated with the various bugs in the previous version? [a. Definition and explaining 4 procedures in software configuration management process b. Definition and explaining typical work cycle] 4. A. If you are a software engineer you must be expert in the field of sof tware, hardware and also database. It has been listed by the industry professionals that time and effort are the most important factors in the system analysis stage.Suppose the employee name, employee id, designation, salary, attendance and address of any employee has to be stored in a database. You can store these data in sequential address book or it can be stored on a hard disk, using a computer and software like Microsoft Excel. Using this example define a database. List and explain the various procedures carried on in a DB'S with a detailed example of the database. [defining a database Listing the 3 procedures Explanation One examples for each of them] 2. Level 2 cache has got higher latency than Level 1 by 2 times to 10 times in 512 JIB or more.Normally you can draw a diagram and show the relation. These diagrams are called entity-relationship diagram in which book is one entity, author is one entity, and the relationship that exists between the two entities is written. Likewi se explain the various notations used to represent the ERE diagram. [listing the notations with diagrams explaining each one of them in one line with example each 5. Consider any database of your choice (may be simple banking database/ forecasting database/project management database).Show the deduction of the tables in your database to the different types of normal forms [Choosing a proper database Explaining the 5 normal forms with respect to the database chosen] 6. Read the following case study thoroughly and answer the following questions: Laxly bank is one of the largest private sector banks of India. It has an extensive network of more than 200 branches. It offers banking services to retail as well as corporate clients. The bank faced a challenge in integrating multi-pronged database management system into a centralized system.The IT department of the bank also realized that the computing capabilities of its PC's and servers were not proportionately distributed among all its b ranches. Each branch had its database management system stored in a traditional way on the disk. The total cost of operating and maintaining the current IT infrastructure was very high and the fundamental shortcomings added to the costs. Moreover, there were also recurrent problems due to the malfunctioning of the currently operational database management system. Therefore, the banks top management decided to fix the problem and operational a robust database management system.The bank hired an external database technology consulting firm called SAPPY Info systems Limited. SAPPY divided the entire IT infrastructure of the bank around two verticals. The retail banking vertical and the corporate banking vertical. All the individual database servers from the individual branches were removed. The entire database system was made virtual such that the managers and he staff can access only the required information (related to retail banking or corporate banking) from the respective centrali zed data centers.There were only two such centralized data centers (one for retail banking and another for corporate banking) that were managed centrally. Staff and managers could access the information through their PC's and laptops. Centralized database management system complemented the security system by bringing in authentication through a unified ID management server. Managers and officers of the bank were able to process half a million transactions per month in real time after the new implementation. There were significant savings in the cost and also in the consumption of power.

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