Thursday, January 2, 2020

Breakdown of Septemberl 11 Terrorist Attacks - 2163 Words

On September 11, 2001, a series of terrorist attacks were directed for the United States by means of four hijacked planes. Two of which hit the twin towers of the World Trade Center, one hit the Pentagon, the headquarters of the Department of Defense, and the fourth crashed in a field near Pittsburg after it was meant to hit the White House. The terror spread in the United States and brought concern and fear to the citizens. The impact of these terrorist attacks caused serious and detrimental damages within the country, and their result on the people were enormous; insecurity, helplessness, and susceptibility spread. Especially after the release of a videotape in which Osama Bin Laden, head of Al-Qaeda, admitted that he was responsible for the terrorist attacks. Hence, President George W, Bush declared the â€Å"war on terror† against all terrorists in the Arab world, specifically Afghanistan and Iraq. In the following paper, we will be discussing how the war on terror was wag ed, its effects on the target countries, and how it was perceived by political thinkers, where some saw it as a conspiracy theory against the Arab countries, and others believed the USA was the victim. NATO and United Nations Position on War on Terror: NATO was an essential part of the United States forces, and was at the core of initiating different operations in many Arab Countries; some of which were in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom), Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom), and much more. It played a

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