Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Changes in the United States after the Civil War Research Paper - 1

Changes in the United States after the Civil War - Research Paper Example The economic and social differences between the southern and northern parts of the country also contributed to the war, as the latter region was characterized by industrialization and urbanization while the former was an agrarian economy. The industrialized northern part had an advantage over the other and, thus, they won the war. The country’s rights were limited as the federal government enjoyed more power and this induced a protest against the federal government, therefore, causing the Civil War. They believed that Lincoln was anti-slavery and in favor of Northern interests. Before Lincoln was even president, seven states had seceded from the Union: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas†. The economic changes succeeding any war are found to be negative as the destruction caused by the war pull back the economic condition of a country since a huge amount of cost is involved. â€Å"The struggle to define the composition of â€Å" the people† and the republic in the new postwar and post-emancipation South was hardly settled by the American Civil War. But there was no going back. It was not just that slavery was abolished and the Confederacy destroyed, but that the slaveholders’ stunning experiment in proslavery and antidemocratic nation building was over†.Devastating economic changes were visible in both regions, but the southern part witnessed more destruction comparatively.  Mostly all the plantations in the southern region were destroyed in the war.  

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