Friday, September 13, 2019

Questions 1 and 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Questions 1 and 2 - Essay Example This includes to the society, government, world, and the  community  (Peter, 1997: p.112). The foremost purpose of the development of a business is not to  attest  to these responsibilities but is the  responsibility  to itself; making profits. Other aspects of the market and non market components also  have  effect  on the  business  and are also in turn affected by the business. Issues such as the population, government regulations, environmental  conservation  and social health  responsibility  are in  effect  of this. NGOs are entities created by individuals or groups within the  society  to deal with  certain  issues in the  society  through advocating, lobbying, electoral support,  judicial  action  and coalition building. In order to deal with such issues, they may even sometimes  conform  to public and  private  politics. This is for the  business  to  correct  its issues and consumers to  attain  their r ights. Such NGOs act as watch dogs for the external components of business such as the environment and people. Through such ways as discussed above they are able to  ascertain  for the fulfillment of the responsibilities that the business has. In the conduction of this, it also acts as a check on the governments effects on the business environment that in turn affect the people. This is through actions such as  harsh  regulations and taxes. ... This includes such aspects as discussed above on environmental, societal, regulatory and employee  consideration. This has culminated the  advent  of altruistic behavior in organizations fearing tainting their image, lobbyism against them and law suits. It can so be concluded that, NGOs do play a particularly crucial role in ensuring adherence to responsibilities by corporations and organizations  thus  positive behavioral actions (Keck, 1998: p.56). 2. Regulation of HRM activities of MNCs via the introduction of Minimum Labor Standards into international agreements on free trade Multinational corporations are currently extremely emerged in the economies of the world. This has brought about the development of super powers, and this  superiority  over other  nation’s economies has its adverse effects. Issues such as  employment  creation, improved living conditions, and industrialization are some of the benefits of such international trade. On the other hand , there are adverse effects such as the  killing  of local industries, social dumping, tax evasions and illegalities within the corporations that may occur (Tarrow, 2005: p.86). As a result of these various effects, it is of the suggestion that the human resource management activities of multinational corporations should be checked through the  introduction  of minimum labor standards into the  international  free trade agreements. Through the  application  of such minimum labor standards, some of the multinational corporations that consider themselves with key investors in the  foreign  economies kept at bay. As, such they lack the opportunity to  threaten  such economies with the rights

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