Tuesday, October 15, 2019


A REFLECTIVE WRITING ON CASE STUDY 1 MANAGING A SICKLE CELL ANEMIA FOR ASSESSMENT 2 - Essay Example Diagnosis is usually made at birth at the time of newborn screening. Disease management is usually focused on pain, hydration and infections prevention and various complications resulting in vaso-occlusive crises (Lee, Askew, Walker, Stephen & Robertson-Artwork, 2012). This paper is a reflective essay and discusses leadership management on the caring of a patient with sickle cell disorder by applying the theoretical concept from Gibbs framework of reflection. The essay is based on the case study of a 25-year old African-Caribbean man who had been diagnosed episode of sickle cell pain. The patient has been admitted in the Lister Hospital six times on the same issue. Though the previous pains were on the abdominal and legs, this time round he came up with chest pain also. Skills, knowledge and attributes linked to leadership are also discussed and change management leadership concept applied. The paper has analyzed my accountability and delegation, ending up with conclusion summarizing the whole paper concept. The reflective model that I have decided to apply is Gibbs model of reflection. This framework is grounded on Gibbs Reflective Cycle developed in 1988 (Gibbs, 1998). The framework is related to Kolbs Learning Cycle, but it covers the principles at large. Every step of the cycle starts with describing the event, then reviewing; reflecting on the experience then ends up with the formulation of a plan to deal with the same experience in the future. This cycle constitutes six steps of which the practitioner is expected to provide answers to various questions each leading to the next step, stressing an adequate event analysis provoking decisive thought. Fresh meanings are developed making the learner come up with an affirmative plan of action (Gibbs, 1988). The six steps involved include: description- what occurred? , feelings-what were you experiencing? ,

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