Monday, October 7, 2019

United Nations and Israel Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

United Nations and Israel - Research Paper Example The adoption of this Resolution involved 13votes against none however, two countries never participated, and this included China and Iraq (Zunes 24). Resolution 452 by the UNSC This resolution came into existence in July 20 1979 and was concerned with Israeli settlements evident in Golan Heights, Jerusalem, Gaza Strip and West Bank, which, mainly focused on discussing the illegality of these settlements. The resolution further condemns the illegality of the settlements and is in violation of the 4th Geneva Convention that relates to ensuring civilian are protected, in times of War. The resolution further called on Israel to stop the construction of more settlements in the occupied territories; in essence, this resolution was passed by 14 votes, however; there was 1 abstention by the United States (Zunes 24). Resolution 465 by the UNSC This resolution was passed unanimously in March 1st of 1980 in regard to issues that concerned the Israeli settlements and how the territories occupied by the Arab is administrated and which, also included Jerusalem. The Arab territories as discussed in this resolution included areas such as, Gaza Strip where, the Israel state controls. As a result of reflecting on the report regarding Resolution 446 adopted in 1979, the Council criticized Israel for lack of co-operation and highlighted on concerns regarding settlement policy adopted by Israel within the Arab territories which, led to a recall of five resolution and further recalled on Israeli government and its civilians to dismantle illegal settlements. This resolution further c ondemned Israel for its act of issuing a travel ban for Hebron’s Mayor Know as Fahd Qawasma who, was supposed to travel to the Security Council. The Council requested Israel to lift the ban so as to allow the Mayor to present at the United Nations Headquarters. This resolution as adopted in 1980, and gave the commission a mandate to further assess the situation in particular, the occupied territories and monitor how the resolution is being implemented. This resolution further called on countries to avoid providing assistance to Israel and in particular, assistance that was directly channeled to the occupied territories (Gilland 27). Resolution 468 by the UNSC This resolution came into existence in May 8, 1980 following the recall of Geneva Convention. The Council was concerned about the act by Israel to expel Hebron and Halhoul’s Mayor, and the expulsion of Hebron’s Judge concerned with Sharia. This resolution asked Israel to stop enacting illegal measures and a ssist in returning the elected or appointed individuals to resume their duty. The Council further sought the indulgence of the Secretary-General to assist in monitoring and ensuring this resolution is implemented. This resolution sailed through after approval from 14 votes, but the United States did not vote in regard to adopting this resolution (Zunes 26). Resolution 487 by the UNSC Implemented in June 19, 1981 the Council convicted Israel for attacking a nuclear site in Iraq that was approved by the IAEA; therefore, this resolution articulated for a cessation in regard hostile activities. The resolution further approved Iraq’s claim for compensation and implored Israel to accept the IAEA safeguards for its nuclear facilities. In the 70s, Iraq acquired a nuclear reactor that

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